what my interpertaion of this tower would look like here at 175m;

nope, thats the site. you can see some historic buildings at the base in the render, and those same buildings are at the base here. this building is also quite setback from the park judging by the render.
Well, here's a rough from the plan, taken offline and shrunken and rotated into place. So, give or take a few feet...(and some bewildered liberty - I'm not sure what every detail means). I made the tower a flat five hundred feet. But here's a rough:









way2tall. I'm glad the heritage home is intact though.
CanadianNational's images do clearly show that by the time the sun has swung sufficiently far to the west that the building shadows fall onto the park, the (quite slender) building will be almost edge-on to the sun. There will be some shadowing for a few minutes at a given spot in the northern portion of the park, maybe the same amount as from a cloud passing over -- certainly far less than from the numerous trees already present in the park.

Perhaps we should cut down all the trees in the park, to prevent the dreaded shadows from falling upon the people using it.
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Kind of surprised no one has mentioned the front page article yet:

Over by Allan Gardens, a site made up of properties at 308 to 314 Jarvis Street and 225 Mutual Street features a 50-storey tower rising behind a terraced nine-storey podium. The design by Quadrangle Architects is for owner Duration Investments. The tower is 750 sq m per floor, along the north edge of the site, set back from Jarvis behind the Sheard Mansion, which would be restored and incorporated into the project. There is no substantial shadowing of Allan Gardens by the tower from March 21 to Sept 21 between 10am and 4pm. That does not mean no shadowing - but only a small percentage added to areas already shadowed.

By being moved back from Jarvis, the 50-storey tower would have less shadow impact on the Allan Gardens greenhouses than would a previously approved 18-storey building to be built right at the Jarvis sidewalk. Where that previously approved building would rise is now planned to be a terraced podium, stepping back above the 3rd, 5th, and 7th floors. An amenity terrace would sit atop the podium on the 10th floor. The main Jarvis entrance would separate the podium from the Sheard Mansion.

On Mutual, the tower would be set back slightly behind a line of five 3-storey townhomes to be built along the that street. A rendering of the Mutual Street frontage, along with one of the full tower is available on the UrbanToronto dataBase page for the building, linked below.

Both buildings are working their way through the City's approvals process, and many details may change in the next while. If you would like to get in on the discussion about either of the proposals, choose the Project & Construction Forum links associated with each dataBase entry.

And the renders:


agreed - they look so good, it makes me want to tear down the Ramada and start again on that site.

jarvis really needs this - it's a pretty smart looking plan from that street - although maybe taller than it needs to be

the angle of mutual street render plays down how much this would loom over that street - but if they go with materials as shown (are those alternating brick panels as the tower rises?) that's pretty nice

two paws up
Not bad, though, I actually prefer less of a point tower and more "bulk" (maybe 5 floors) shifted in the N-S direction (i.e. slab-like).

Agreed as well, I really love the scale and the setbacks of the podium, and I'm also really liking the red and black bricks (or at least I hope that's what they are). Looks like they're doing a minimalist type James Cooper-esque integration of the mansion into the podium as well, which I'm glad to see. Less sold on the tower, however, as the roof element immediately reminds me of the Verve, and I'd definitely prefer to see it at least ten stories shorter.
I think it there's a lot to recommend it - especially the play of materials and planes. But I think the height of the tower is just too much. There's no real context and it's jarring to the proportions of everything around it. If it was reduced in height by a third the proportions would still show well, and it would still be impressive without being problematic.
I think the scale of this presents the equal problem of shadowing Allan Gardens, and for ruination of the domestic scale of Mutual Street.
The dorm and condo on Gerrard just south of this site are already unhappy, permanent examples of indelicate scale.

agreed - they look so good, it makes me want to tear down the Ramada and start again on that site.

Oh no - not the Ramada! It's such a nice period building. I'd say let someone have a go at the Primrose, though, definitely.
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