Two quick questions: do we have a thread on UT (tried searching, couldn't find anything) on ferry service rather than the terminal itself? And is there an appropriate place to discuss PRESTO integration for Toronto's ferries?
Two quick questions: do we have a thread on UT (tried searching, couldn't find anything) on ferry service rather than the terminal itself? And is there an appropriate place to discuss PRESTO integration for Toronto's ferries?
The question of PRESTO and ferry service was discussed on UT (probably in the PRESTO thread) last year. The Parks folk, who run the ferries, said they were evaluating use of PRESTO for them but it was not a high priority for either Parks or PRESTO. Of course, it WOULD be a good idea but everyone seems to agree on that, just not too soon!
Yeah, I'd hate for them to be progressive about that.

For goodness' sake, if you want Torontonians to want to get Presto (and as a government-sponsored initiative, you do), then entice them! "Get Presto to make your TTC usage easier, and as a bonus, your trips to the island will be significantly simplified!!"

They need to eventually buy brand new ferries so I doubt the TTC would be all that interested in taking over.
Yeah, I'd hate for them to be progressive about that.

For goodness' sake, if you want Torontonians to want to get Presto (and as a government-sponsored initiative, you do), then entice them! "Get Presto to make your TTC usage easier, and as a bonus, your trips to the island will be significantly simplified!!"

In Sydney you tap on and off with one Opal card for ferries, buses, LRT and rail, the latter of which is kind of like Smart Track if ST went almost everywhere at high frequencies and it was a real thing instead of a couple of lines on a Canoe cocktail napkin and a really cool slide deck. Opal's tremendously convenient and it allows for time of day pricing and transfers. Of course that kind of convenience is beyond Toronto's capability.
Why do we we continually elevate politicians to such eternal heights? The Jack Layton Terminal. In my mind, never a more appropriate name. All wind up, and no pitch. A parkette, perhaps. A laneway, maybe. A cul-de-sac. The entire installation is a embarrassment. Toronto is defined in large part by the waterfront and the signature presence of the Islands, yet getting to and from them by our glorious ferry system is like a visit to a proctologist.
And I have plans for new healthy lifestyle and a waist front revitalization, and both are just as likely to happen. Not.

Soon, the inner harbour will resemble NYC but with yellow water taxis vs., cabs because no one is actually stepping up with the $$$.
And I have plans for new healthy lifestyle and a waist front revitalization, and both are just as likely to happen. Not.
Soon, the inner harbour will resemble NYC but with yellow water taxis vs., cabs because no one is actually stepping up with the $$$.

I think the waterfront might have fared better than the new year resolution for most (given West Don Lands is done; QQE is finally done, EBF is in progress, etc). Perhaps you should write to your MPP and MP to remind them of the slow progress on this particular file?

More $$ = more work!

City Council consideration on April 26, 2017
Motion Without Notice


Request to Amend the 2017 Parks Forestry and Recreation Capital Budget for the Jack Layton Ferry Terminal Master Plan - by Councillor Pam McConnell, seconded by Councillor Gary Crawford
* This Motion has been deemed urgent by the Chair.
* This Motion is not subject to a vote to waive referral. This Motion has been added to the agenda and is before Council for debate.


Councillor Pam McConnell, seconded by Councillor Gary Crawford, recommends that:

1. City Council amend the appoved 2017 Parks, Forestry and Recreation Capital Budget for the Harbour Square Park Redesign sub-project in the Park Development project, by increasing the project cost by $1,000,000 from $1,860,000 to $2,860,000, the 2017 cash flow from $1,169,708 to $1,769,708 and 2018 cash flow to $400,000, with funding from the following Section 42 Alternate Rate Cash-in-lieu: $484,078.43 from 545-565 Sherbourne Street [Source Account XR2213-4200572]; $460,421.57 from 90 Harbour Street/1 York Street [Source Account XR2213-4200793]; and $55,500.00 from 24 Howard Street [Source Account XR2213-4200879].

This Motion seeks authority to increase funding for the Harbour Square Park Redesign (Jack Layton Ferry Terminal) sub-project in the 2017 Parks, Forestry and Recreation Capital Budget by $1,000,000. Funding is from various Section 42 Alternate Rate Cash-in-lieu and is required to augment the work currently being designed and implemented by Waterfront Toronto as part of the Jack Layton Ferry Terminal Master Plan.

This Motion is urgent as funding must be added to the current scope to complete design and meet construction timelines that do not disrupt access to the ferry during peak season.

Background Information
Member Motion MM28.42
