I suppose I should take solace that it was, at least, on their radar. That said, we're being painted into a corner. We need creative solutions to save the bits we have left, maximize them as much as we can, and prevent the few 'vacant' lots we have left from being developed. Money is always a problem so perhaps a moratorium on development on designated lots needs to happen till we figure out how to accomplish these things. We can't fix this after buildings have gone up.

I agree there's a planning issue.

What should occur, in my judgement, is that 4-6 park locations should be identified for new or expanded (larger) parks in the area of Bloor to the Lake, and Bathurst to the Don River.

The decision should be made to assess an optimal outcome, then immediately move to expropriate as required.

Where cases like the armoury come up; and you can't expropriate from a higher level of government, immediate efforts should be made to negotiate for the land. If those fail, alternate plans should be made.

A few smaller sites can also be secured, but the focus there should be to look at utility, so that we don't acquire a site just to check off a box, but rather after considering whether we can create quality space to meet people's needs.
Btw, Moss Park public housing is another golden opportunity. I imagine those buildings will eventually need to be replaced by new buildings. When that happens that giant block they're sitting on needs to be turned into a large park. ALL OF IT.. The new buildings can then be built on its perimeter. Not only would it create a much needed sizeable park downtown, but it will increase the quality of life for Torontonians and the people living in those apartments. Currently, the whole estate looks awful and it's a terrible waste of valuable land. Make it a park. Cormier again? And intensify the perimeter.

The whole site of Moss Park as a public park? That's not going to happen - we need (high quality) parks, but we need affordable housing even more. The optics of taking existing affordable housing and replacing it with public space is absolutely terrible - never mind the actual public policy aspect of it is unsupportable.

I suspect we will get a chunk of the existing site as public space if and when Moss Park gets redeveloped - along the lines of Regent Park.

As to the Moss Park Armory - maybe the city can swap ownership of the property with Fort York Armory.

This is tomorrow:

The amount of buildings is really eating into the footprint of the park - you almost wish that they could consolidate the arena into the footprint of the rec centre.


100% and if the arena pad went underneath the Rec. Centre, so much the better.
Though it is clearly not going to happen, I wish the Feds could be persuaded to (at least) share their site and add housing on top of the Armoury. Though I realise they want an Armoury downtown, It really is a prime site.
Maybe if you included military housing in a proposal it would be more saleable. But as they say, everyone has a price and land in this area is getting expensive. While you’re at it, demolish and redevelop Moss Park apartments.
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Maybe if you included military housing in a proposal it would be more saleable. But as they say, everyone has a price and land in this area is getting expensive. While you’re at it, demolish and redevelop Moss Park apartments.
The reservists live at home and military housing is really needed on actual military bases so I doubt it would be sensible to add military housing here BUT the Feds are all in favour of affordable housing and sharing this site would show they meant it!
Extremely unlikely. That type of court requires significantly more maintenance than asphalt; particularly when exposed to significant moisture and freeze/thaw cycles.
And we all know the city's absolutely stellar reputation for maintenance!
And we all know the city's absolutely stellar reputation for maintenance!

Interesting tidbit: Kew Gardens has both clay and hard surface courts.

The general public is allowed access to the hard surface courts at certain times but clay is members only due to dress code (shoe) enforcement. Apparently the wrong shoes can create hours of maintenance work.
And we all know the city's absolutely stellar reputation for maintenance!
Perhaps they are planning on using some sort ruddy paint/dye job on the asphalt here assuming they can budget for it and it doesn't interfer with the playing surface.
