Trees should be planted in Spring or early Fall - time to set some roots before high heat tests them, or before they enter dormancy. Trees are renewable of course, but I'm always unhappy when they're planted without proper care or timing.
Just drove by the park. Looks like another Ontario/Canada Square. Quite ho-hum.
I realized that. They're almost half done. The half that isn't done has more trees.
It'll be a great park. People will probably walk their dogs, socialize and relax there. Someone said it was similar to Canada Square earlier, but context is important. Canada Square gives you no reason to visit when the water's edge is just ahead. This park is a central green space for a neighbourhood.
Dare I ask when completion is expected by? I'd love to get to visit it this summer while I'm out exploring various new spots and parkettes around the city.
Don't leaves become nutrient for trees? And whats with the no grass or any space around the trunks? Seems like the city cant keep water fountains working and so I wonder how diligent they will be at seeing these trees get adequate water? I'll need to revisit this comment in 12 months and see the outcome.
What's the material the trees are surrounded by? (Forgive my ignorance, I haven't taken any courses in landscape architecture!)
