There are renders for the refresh ain't great:

View attachment 324309

View attachment 324310

The pink adds nothing...............the goofy non-functional labyrinth type space remains............the design is exceedingly spare.

I don't even want to know what they're spending for fail #2..........

For $100,000 I could have made that park good.

For $1,000,000 I could have made that park great.

For $10,000,000; I would have hired Cormier to do it better than I could, LOL
I don't see this as fixing the problems here or making it a place people want to be in.
$927,966 for construction. And if this place had received an extra $50,000 a year in maintenance, it would have been at least somewhat successful.

Like for your contribution.............But one of these faces :mad: for wasting that much money to achieve so bloody little!

Essentially, other than some sub-optimal play equipment, what this buys is less gravel, and more level surfaces.

But it also manages to remove a lot of the green; which while done poorly in terms of spatial arrangement and ground cover, was mostly salvageable.
I don't see this as fixing the problems here or making it a place people want to be in.

It basically doesn't.

It solves the issue of dangerously unlevel surfaces; and increases the amount of hardscape to reduce maintenance.

But that's really all it's got going for it.
The pink looks fun in the renders. The pink when installed looked filthy and nasty within the first month.
We say this even when the OP and myself have vested interest in this colour...

...but another way to look out though, is to imagine the pink replaced all by fun fur instead. A really happy and funky concept, but in real life...would get really awful within a week or so of laying it. Instead, they save the pink for highlights surrounding the park made of materials that can deal with the elements better. And put something more practical in grass, lol. Otherwise, this does a terrible disservice to this colour. And I'm not even sure why the developers/designers for this project went with this without considering long term use and impact. What a terrible oversight! /bleh
From Joe Cressy's latest Newsletter:

I’m pleased to share that construction of our June Callwood Park improvements is scheduled to begin on Monday, July 5. As a result of feedback from local residents, numerous additions have been included in the park improvement plan, including:

  • Installation of new park entry signs
  • Removing the existing hedge maze to make room for:
    • New playground equipment
    • New north-south access routes and pathways
    • Improved sight-lines through the park
  • 3 to 5 new playground equipment features suited for a diverse age range
  • All gravel surfacing will be replaced with a porous rubberized surface or new planting beds
  • Upgrades to the treatment around the existing utility enclosure with new fencing
  • New benches and a seating wall
  • Improved park lighting features
  • Replacing the granite paving with new concrete sidewalks at Fleet Street and Fort York Boulevard street frontages
  • Replacing dead or missing trees throughout the park
The park will be closed during construction. I will continue to share progress updates as they become available.
Replacing the granite paving with new concrete sidewalks? Thank goodness, this park is so short of concrete.

Replacing the granite paving with new concrete sidewalks? Thank goodness, this park is so short of concrete.



This is clearly their solution to the fact that the original granite was heaving left/right and centre.

Look at this image from the Problematic Park Design thread:


For clarity, granite can absolutely be laid in such a way that this does not happen, at least nowhere nearly as badly.

I don't know, but I will assume that:

1) The refresh budget may not have allowed for it.

2} As I would strongly recommend against granite 'tile' cut this way; something they may now realize, relaid granite might not match the interior granite in the park which they have not budgeted to replace.
Oh wow, I haven't seen that in real life for some time, that is awful.
I think that shot was taken last fall. It's been about 9 months since then, so I can presume it's hasn't improved, to put it mildly... /sigh
Was at the Remembrance ceremony at Fort York so thought i would check out the progress.

They are laying down new rubber in the playground and other areas but i don’t see much greenery. The workers told me they are laying some soil and plants on the north end but it appears the rest will be rubber and paved flooring. i wish they would add more green space as this still is looking like a parking lot.

i guess they want low maintenance to control future costs but a little more greenery would have made a big improvement in my opinion. oh well, maybe the finished product will look better.


