Indeed, there is lighting, some recycling and garbage receptacles, grass and - no doubt - dog droppings. Typical artifacts found in many city parks.
The tipped over barrel and dumpster adds a great touch. All we're missing is an abandoned old couch and we've got ourselves a world class public space.
The tipped over barrel and dumpster adds a great touch. All we're missing is an abandoned old couch and we've got ourselves a world class public space.

I'm surprised that they went with the warming hut design after all. When did the mayor cut the ribbon? He must have been jubilant all day.
What that picture doesn't convey, along with the lovely art installations :), is the yucky, sticky, icky mud that currently comprises the park!
The approved 2012 Capital Budget has this:
"Continue the redevelopment of parkland such as June Callwood park ($1.650 million),". This will doubtless get us some nifty signage and maybe the couch is being 'sourced'. The Capital Budget notes also say that the 2011 capital budget was underspent because ".. the land for June Callwood Park has not yet been conveyed to the City;"
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The approved 2012 Capital Budget has this:
"Continue the redevelopment of parkland such as June Callwood park ($1.650 million),". This will doubtless get us some nifty signage and maybe the couch is being 'sourced'. The Capital Budget notes also say that the 2011 capital budget was underspent because ".. the land for June Callwood Park has not yet been conveyed to the City;"

Apparently this is the new site for the Doug Ford Ferris Wheel.
I am happy to bring these two pieces of news:

1) The park was given $2.35 Million dollars of funding when this year's City budget was passed. Construction is to begin this spring, with park completion in 2013.

2) We have a dataBase page for the park now, including a good number of images of this gorgeous design.

Wow... the renderings are very promising. I like the overall concept... hopefully it will be executed nicely because it will certainly contribute well to those buildings and make them feel more like a neighbourhood.

And some nice big mature trees please!
