This sort of public vandalism does not help sales. An employee came out several times and asked them to leave. Instead, more skateboarders showed up.

Pic taken Nov 11, 2012

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I was going to say "brats," but some of the skaterboys out there are well into their thirties.

Time to move out of their parent's basements.
This sort of public vandalism does not help sales. An employee came out several times and asked them to leave. Instead, more skateboarders showed up.

Pic taken Nov 11, 2012

I can't see this hurting sales. If anything the Sk8ers add an edginess.
If they won't move voluntarily, call the cops to get rid of the rabble. I don't mean "rabble" in a classist sense, but as a term for a disorderly group of punks.
Uh, yeah. I live in the area. It hardly lacks for thrills or extreme behaviour. Check the place out on a Sunday morning. An array of colourful pools of vomit can be found decorating the neighbourhod.
Skateboarding is a leisure activity that enlivens public spaces and encourages physical activity and creativity among young people. With that said, obviously disrespect of private property and disturbances caused by skateboarding aren't condonable.
Unfortunately, skateboarding and disturbance often go hand-in-hand. Skateboarders have a well-earned reputation for being scum.
ya cause thats based on fact right! you people who say these tings really should not stereo type people. cause this is whats wrong with society today. they asume to much. directed at the comment regarding skaters being well known as scum.
Unfortunately for the bleeding heart types, stereotypes don't come out of thin air. There's a reason skateborder culture is caller "skatepunk".

Also, I speak from experience as someone with Aspergers. The boarders are the first to heckle me...
There's also no correlation between 'skateboarders' and the people who (unfortunately) heckle you. If someone who skateboards does so it does indeed reflect badly on them but it's certainly not because they skateboard that it happens. It's kind of like me saying that because this particular Transportfan doesn't like skateboarders, someone who skateboards can never be a transport fan. We both know that math doesn't add up.

It's also odd that you feel justified in whitewashing an entire sport with a term like 'scum' when you yourself rightly dislike being 'heckled' by others. Two wrongs much?
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There's also no correlation between 'skateboarders' and the people who (unfortunately) heckle you. If someone who skateboards does so it does indeed reflect badly on them but it's certainly not because they skateboard that it happens. It's kind of like me saying that because this particular Transportfan doesn't like skateboarders, someone who skateboards can never be a transport fan. We both know that math doesn't add up.

This may be the first time I've said this, but causation does not mean correlation(!)
