This banal stuff is a result of low interest rates and lots of buyers, foreign and local. Why would a major constructor put more into a building than they have to when it will sell anyway.

Pride? Long term vision? Conscience? (I know, *crickets*...)

Cityzen took a huge gamble with the Absolute design competition but it payed off multiple dividends down the road. I wish other developers would embrace a more expansive POV than the immediate bottom line of their most current project. The media and TPTB don't seem to help either with this issue as design is rarely mentioned as a priority. This city just doesn't seem to have much regard for architecture, civic grandeur or even the aesthetic niceties that can put a smile on passer-by's face.

There are, of course, exceptions--but they remain, unfortunately, exceptions. Not sure if the Gerhy and Oxford proposals are what we should be looking at to alter this trend. WT projects like the QQWest refurbishment might prove to be a more fruitful and holistic approach to heal the aesthetic tears in this city's fabric.
You know what? It doesn't have to be be super tall to have an impact. Pride in building something different , like the Mirvishy /Gehry project, are something worth embracing.
How many cities would be debating over a project such as this, i bet not many. For one thing, there are few cities in North America this would be proposed in, yet there is a rejection
no matter what. Monk has it right, there is not a lot of pride. A few more Picasso's would be a welcome addition. I was a bigger is better guy, but after 5 years of glass boxes, not so much.
They're currently excavating the parking lot next to the Le Germain on Mercer, does anyone know if this has anything to do with King Blue?
The only saving grace may be Mirvish/ Gehry, Oxford and maybe
One Yonge amongst others.

We will have a pile of average buildings, which is fine with me, but we will also have more stunners from this boom than most cities in the world...

L Tower
One Bloor
Gehry (hopefully)
Shangri La
Theatre Park
Massey Tower (hopefully)
One Yonge (hopefully)

and even my guilty (quirky) pleasures:

King Blue will just fade into the background. No big deal.
Totally agree with you, wmedia. Especially about Trump, which I'm sure big fan of. Okay, I better leave now before Adma sees this post and attacks my opinion on every thread in the forum.
27 April 2013: Apparently the King has the Blues....:p

Is the hotel still planned for this project? Within a few blocks there is 5 hotels, 6 including Bisha!
No recent word on that. The hotel would be in the podium. Suites for sale so far are only in the south tower AFAIK.

What happen this project ? They aren't breaking the ground..can we assume the cause of delay about funding problem or low level of sales percent.
I went to their sales office during lunch break. The lady there told me that Phase 2 will be released in mid September with closing in 2017 for phase I.
