Interesting couple tidbits in a recent CoA minor variance application here for those interested in what parking demand looks like these days in this neighbourhood at this price point.
The cover letter notes that all 910 res units have been sold but only 220 of the available 251 res parking spaces have been sold, and they're applying to have the City allow them to re-designate all but one of those surplus parking spots for commercial parking uses.
A parking study referenced in the letter confirms that the uptake rate of 0.24 parking spaces per res dwelling unit is consistent with demand for the area.
The history of CoA variances reducing the amount of res parking spaces is an interesting one (and probably could be read as being illustrative of the City's policies lagging market demand):
> Variance #1: from 522 to 494 spaces
> Variance #2: from 494 to 250 spaces
> Variance #3: from 251 to (effectively) 220 spaces