Well, it’s not exactly what I think is called “Bowellism” in which the services are on the exterior of the building to maximize interior space, and are therefore visible, as in the Pompidou Centre. But I see no compelling reasons why those services should always be tucked away invisible behind windowless walls Or in the most obscure corners of a building. Sometimes, they might be rather interesting in my view.
That's my opinion and also shared by my real estate realtor who is Chinese from mainland China so she has knowledge.
A home purchase is probably the biggest purchase of someone's life, people should be educated on the developer.
Look at the lawsuits with Concord in CityPlace...even though they are also Chinese, their quality is horrible in Toronto vs. their projects Vancouver...etc.
So just because they built projects somewhere doesn't mean the quality of the build in Toronto will be good
We can only know when people move in because they never built anything in Toronto before
Taking forever for the hoarding to come down...

According to city transportation staff in charge of the King Street Pilot, they revealed that the city would be taking a gradual approach to building King Street's new layout as developers concluded construction and returned sidewalks to normal use. I've been hoping that this would be the first we see of that strategy. King Blue is the first construction project to finish after the King Street Pilot was made permanent and it's right in front of a sidewalk at a streetcar stop which should be rebuilt according to the new standards. Some utility poles and traffic lights would also have to be moved. I wonder if this is what's taking longer than usual to take down that hoarding.


Pic: @AlbertC

According to the new street layout, the sidewalk would bump out to where the jersey barrier is, forming a platform for the streetcar stop. The utility pole with the street light and traffic lights would have to be moved to the new corner.

Then again, I'm not sure if it's been long enough since the approval of the new street layout. Perhaps the plan to return the sidewalk to normal use was already designed when the condo started construction and they will end up not making any changes. I've got my fingers crossed for the first appearance of permanent post King Street Pilot street infrastructure.
