I agree with UD: this does not cut it. Gropius' ghost will likely haunt the architects for the rest of their lives, and this building should not be allowed to be called Bauhaus unless it comes closer to being a Bauhaus design. Come on Design Review Panel, let'em have it! If Clewes can do good Modernism-redux at X, then whoever this is can make a better go of neoBauhaus here.

Thx Ed.

Now, I propose the real name for this project: Blahaus

The architect should be in the dog(haus)........How does that relate to this:


or this? :

Over the weekend, they put in rendering posters in the window and branded the windows with Bauhaus.

It looks like they are going to use the corner space as the showroom..
I wonder if Bauhaus is a FLY or BUST ? ... the last ad I saw in the Condo Guide was from the November 10th issue, they have since pulled out their advertisements ...

I would say BUST since there's already alot of product on the market that has not sold so way too much supply.

Who is the developer for this project btw? I don't recall the name so it's probably not one of the bigger one with capital and/or access to financing.

It's a simple nice looking building from the renderings though ... maybe next RE cycle.
according to the AD ... this project is "developed by: rams head developments and enirox group" ... I have no clue who they are ~ :confused:
I've heard that the existing building has structural issues which is why they will tear down all but the facade. Could just be an excuse.
Is it that surprising that adding another 15 storeys on top of an 'antique' 3 storey building might require more than a few temporary supports during construction? Likely the entire basement areas need to be rejiggery-pokeried for parking and loading too.

What is still surprising is that they have the gall to call this place 'Bauhaus'.

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This is just ugly. And i'd agree that it'll be a bust as all condo sales seemed to have pretty much wholesale stopped and not just slowed for all projects downtown - and Torontonians haven't really felt the effect of the recession yet. I know it's just speculation on my part, but I'd say that any project that isn't 70% or more sold now, is a bust (or will be shelved for at least the next 5 years) and I'd include U, Aura, and Ice in that. Especially with prices and inventory increases in resale heading the way they are. King West area has lost 10% in the last 3 months alone. Anyone who bought a non-luxury condo for more than 400/ft will be losing money by the time it's built.
just noticed this now ... Bauhaus condo was designed by TACT Design huh ? that would explain the TACT-ky architecture + renderings ~ LOL :D
Definitely ugly, and it won't be missed if, as Solaris suggests, it doesn't proceed. I will suggest Bow-House as an alternative name.
