The article states that there will be residential, so I'm wondering if they are already working with a condo developer.
Hope they could save at least parts of the original Context design, I don't want to see another monstroscity like what Riocan/Tribute did at Queen & Portland.
:( The Lanes / Context King West was exactly what this neighbourhood needed. There's no way anything RioCan proposes will even begin to compare. :(
You're worried about Allied? They've got some great projects. What about QRC West is problematic?

The article states that there will be residential, so I'm wondering if they are already working with a condo developer.
Hope they could save at least parts of the original Context design, I don't want to see another monstroscity like what Riocan/Tribute did at Queen & Portland.

And ^that project replaced a surface parking lot, while this project would replace, among other things, the Scholastic building.
Video of Michael Emery talking about plans for 620 King Street West site, including retention of the Scholastic building, in this clip: Thirty second ad first. Information about the 620 King Street West project, including video of the building and the insides (believed to be the Hariri Pontarini offices, located in the building), starts around three minutes in.
I hope you guys are right. I had heard that Rio-can's involvement would involve wholesale redevelopment of the block, but the source is of unknown credibility on the subject.
It may be a case of renovating the existing building, or giving it a Queen and Peter treatment - as in gutting it and integrating it with the neighbouring new development (620 King).
I think I know what happened to this one ;)

Listening to the Q2 Allied properties, they mentioned this site directly in regards to the joint venture with riocan

You can see the article above mentions "King and Portland" in the press call they mentioned 620 King West.

They went into more detail, they said a condo developer was in the process of acquiring the site but gave up (not much details here) and they and riocan are in the process of acquiring the property ... its not clear if they already bought it or not. But if this is the case this project is dead ... moreover they indirectly hinted they have no interest (allied that is) in perusing joint condo / office projects (it wasn't directed at this acquisition, rather a general statement after someone asked the question) and would rather focus on office + retail (with riocan).
I think I know what happened to this one ;)

Listening to the Q2 Allied properties, they mentioned this site directly in regards to the joint venture with riocan

You can see the article above mentions "King and Portland" in the press call they mentioned 620 King West.

They went into more detail, they said a condo developer was in the process of acquiring the site but gave up (not much details here) and they and riocan are in the process of acquiring the property ... its not clear if they already bought it or not. But if this is the case this project is dead ... moreover they indirectly hinted they have no interest (allied that is) in perusing joint condo / office projects (it wasn't directed at this acquisition, rather a general statement after someone asked the question) and would rather focus on office + retail (with riocan).

That would be a pity! I would have liked to see RioCan, Allied and Context do a JV based on the Pontarini plan.

This is THE ideal joint venture project where each partner will concentrate on what they're good at.

To make the retail work, RioCan would need to rope in a couple of nationals as anchors and to pay the rent. Maybe a 3 or 4 level Apple store (in glass) on the King frontage and office space above that?

The beauty of this site is there are still possibilities for independent retailers, both on King and within the courtyard to the west of this JV.
If Riocan uses their usual means to formulate the retail component and source tenants this will be a generic shopping mall in disguise. Big players like Riocan specialize in generic, efficient, and culturally meaningless retail like Queen and Portland or worse. Totally uninteresting.
What's with all the love for RioCan? The RioCan I know is the one that tends to specialize in big box or near big box suburban power centres, not proper urban infill. Sure they have tons of big name anchor tenants at most of their developments, but I don't feel a Canadian Tire, Walmart, or Best Buy will do any good for King West. What King West needs, in my opinion, is more of the same. Trendy retail at the street level, with a good mixture of office and condo above, with a nod to good architecture and/or preserving the built form and heritage (or heritage looking) structures that already exist.

If you ask me, Allied is much better than RioCan at this sort of thing. Many of the old buildings that give King West the look and feel it has are Allied buildings. Hopefully they take the lead.
