Thanks for the renderings. Of the new projects in this block, this is the one that I'm most interested in seeing approved and built. How can you not like Allied projects? Plus, it's an HP designed building :D

p.s. the second rendering looks the exact same as the original Context that doesn't seem right based on the first rendering which shows the office component on King.
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Still good - not as intricate as before but it's good to see a significant commercial component on the site. Wish there is more detail on how they handled the ground level in this revised scheme.

AoD: I imagine that there will still be the brick arches and the laneways, patios, etc.

I'm happy about the commercial, too. It looks pretty cool with the bridge over to the rooftop terrace for the office workers.
At the most recent public meeting on the project, several weeks ago, all the basic design elements remained the same. The major difference was with incorporation of the 602 King West site, the new building is wider, and moves a bit more to the east on the site. The office component has been incorporated into the southern part of the new building, while the norther part is residential. There are also a few floors of residential on top of the office component, as shown in the first render below. There have also been some minor tweaks in terms of service access into the site.



is that rendering some kind of placeholder design?

Looks like HP collaged together dumbed-down versions of their other buildings: the office building on St. Thomas Street, Ivory on Adelaide, and the brick base kept from the previous design for Context. Meanwhile the top four floors look like Core Architect's 650King building just a few doors down.
Not a cohesive looking building, kind of Frankenstein-ish in design.
The view from street level is brutal. This project should be called 'King Kong' - where foot meets fashion. This looming mass obliterates any semblance of King West's historic character and scale. But F**k it this is Toronto so who cares.
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It looks like they chopped out half of the Context King West Plan and inserted an office block. Now, the important part is if they still retain the alleyway treatment the original proposal had.
Bricks for the lower levels, including arched sections, yes.

Of the new developments in the King/Bathurst/Adelaide/Portland block, this is the one that I'm most looking forward to. I have faith in HP. They may refine the office portion a bit better, but otherwise it looks great.

I went to a public meeting on the new City park nestled in Plaza's Musee (off of Adelaide Place -- and maintained by the condo) and it looks pretty fancy what they propose. It's not a dog park, thankfully ;)
This is not as good as the original, but it looks great to me. I love the curves on the corners on the King St side of the building. It gives a soft feeling next to the hardness of brick.

I don't mind the different styles on the ends of the building. Frankenstein design is the new thing. aA has introduced this kind of tri-architectural idea with the Yonge & Rich design as well as the Colborne design.
