If Hamilton manages to restore all of its remaining heritage stock as well as this project, then it will actually have a very nice downtown.
yeah.. which involves preserving all the ones they wanna tear down.. *side eyes gore park*

It's nice to be able to look at pics of the downtown in the 1800s when it was first built to now and see the similarities still. I don't want us to ever lose that. Gore park WAS hamilton - that's where it started - and radiated out from there.

Also does that "art piece" swivel? Cuz if not I get the feeling something similar is gonna happen to it that happened to the old swing lift bridge that existed before our CURRENT lift bridge..
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Today, not gonna lie, the dropped ceiling in the giant turn around is terrible:

In 2011:
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Man how did the brick on kreskys get THAT dirty I wonder?

But yeah, it was probably for the best it came down, it started to reflect a feeling of.. poverty..

I'm glad that horrible green building is gone beside the embassy.. it's honestly the only reason I accept that glass monolith in that spot - if the stone structure before it had been torn down for that glass structure I would have been LIVID - but the green one happened before I was even aware of such things.. so meh.

I do love how you perfectly framed the art deco go station down the street though.
It’s funny because the fire station is so close to this site that if there was an emergency it would be quicker to walk over than to dispatch a truck
yeah.. which involves preserving all the ones they wanna tear down.. *side eyes gore park*

It's nice to be able to look at pics of the downtown in the 1800s when it was first built to now and see the similarities still. I don't want us to ever lose that. Gore park WAS hamilton - that's where it started - and radiated out from there.

Also does that "art piece" swivel? Cuz if not I get the feeling something similar is gonna happen to it that happened to the old swing lift bridge that existed before our CURRENT lift bridge..
Was unaware this happened so you got me doing some research. Is this accurate?

Also, some more info/renderings of the gate. It’s freaking yuge so if anything does strike it, it won’t be a happy day for that vehicle. Once shovels are in the ground for the city centre redevelopment, I really hope some consideration goes into making King William a pedestrian-only street, with this gate of course allowing for service vehicles to use KW St. at night.

Was unaware this happened so you got me doing some research. Is this accurate?

Also, some more info/renderings of the gate. It’s freaking yuge so if anything does strike it, it won’t be a happy day for that vehicle. Once shovels are in the ground for the city centre redevelopment, I really hope some consideration goes into making King William a pedestrian-only street, with this gate of course allowing for service vehicles to use KW St. at night.

Haha nope.. that's ONE issue, but not the one I was referring to - a ship literally demolished the old bridge.

A pair of bascule lift bridges on the beach strip carried all traffic for the QEW over the ship canal. The north bascule was struck late April 1952 by the W. E. Fitzgerald (no not the one of song fame) and was destroyed. A quick solution to the traffic ills was a temporary bridge - and the temporary swing bridge - which was up while they worked on the skyway bridge. The lift bridge we know today was then built after.

you can see images here:







and now


