Senior Member
Buyers seem to be completely ignorant to the associated risks of buying presale and, when things don't work out as planned, it's suddenly time to change the condo laws. Due your own due diligence. Then again, the whole idea of putting down a deposit "in good faith" on a unit you wish to purchase in 4 or 5 years time doesn't make any sense to me. At some point in time, you're going be stuck with a unit that has a market value a fraction of what you paid.
It reminds me of cell-phone contracts and how despite 15 years and a thousands identical stories you still here laughable tales of the nature: "family stunned by shocking roaming charges: "When I signed up for my $10/month plan with no data component, I assumed that mean unlimited data all across the planet and I could download 500Gb while on my trip to Krygyzstan for free! Now I find out I have to pay for it, but only after I use it? Why didn't they tell me before I booked the trip I never mentioned I was taking? How could I have ever known? It MUST be someones fault other than mine! Why isn't the government making laws so stupid people like me never have to think!"