Senior Member
I had a close look at that "condo" situation.they might not be able to do it at grade because of the condos going up west of kipling but yeah if the option is there they for sure should be doing that. a cloverdale terminus also allows for direct bus ramps from the 427 to the station and easier access to the dundas rapid transit service, also cloverdale mall is adjacent to the milton line so go train station can be moved too. I think this extension should be built around the same time as the dundas brt in mississauga because while there are other priorities it wouldnt make sense to build the brt to kipling just to extend the subway later. Im pretty sure the mall owner offered to use the land for a transit terminal a few years ago but nobody showed interest which is a mistake. The kipling terminal will need upgrades for sure theres nothing wrong with that but cloverdale is the place to build the multimodal hub for etobicoke.
It is difficult to tell from Google, but there is a Gabion retaining wall at the property line and the parking garage is right up against it. There is only room for 1 track to the North of the CP tracks.
What needs to happen is to have stacked tracks. After Kipling, the WB tracks rise by 1.5% and the EB track sink by 1.5%. By the time you get to the condo, there is 6m elevation difference between then and the track can go one on top of the other. When you pass here, the tracks can unstack.