The TTC is no longer driving the bus on the redevelopment of Islington Station following MiWay's move to Kipling, it's now Create TO in the driver's seat as the site was one of the City properties that were identified as being prime candidates for affordable housing construction. Here's a conceptual plan for the site:

View attachment 225771

That was created for a December, 2019 public open house. The plan is to have a plan sent to Council for approval in the third quarter of 2020.

If you want to know more, check out

At first glance this looks like a very solid plan that they have here.

It's pretty unfortunate that office development didnt pan out here, but at this point it's time that the TTC got out of planning what happens at Islington because they've dragged their feet on the issue for far too long (even though Metrolinx and the City also deserve a share of the blame as well).

I agree with @crs1026 with the sidewalk setback issues; the city better damn well ensure there are adequate setbacks here. I'd also add that they should ensure that there is some kind of mini-pedestrian plaza on the southeast corner of the site that acts like a gateway and ties in nicely with the plaza at Islington-Bloor Place.

As for the Islington Bus Bays themselves, the TTC better be putting shovels on the ground there as soon as Mississauga buses relocate to Kipling because the terminal is literally a ticking time-bomb.

Looks like a reasonable plan. Not sure why there couldn't be highrise development on top of the bus terminal though.
As long as the TTC is involved, something like that will never happen in a million years. The only precedent for something like that have been with the bus bays at Davisville and York Mills.
As long as the TTC is involved, something like that will never happen in a million years. The only precedent for something like that have been with the bus bays at Davisville and York Mills.

Uhh, Wellesley Station? McCaul Loop? Eglinton bus garage? Sherbourne Station? They've had quite a few property redevelopments over the years where the TTC has kept access to the ground level for their own purposes.

And again, the former development at Islington falling through was not the fault of the TTC's, but with the prime tenant's - SNC Lavalin - financial difficulties.

And again, the former development at Islington falling through was not the fault of the TTC's, but with the prime tenant's - SNC Lavalin - financial difficulties.

SNC Lavalin demanded something like a 300 car parking garage at Islington Station for them to move there and the City said "no".

Uhh, Wellesley Station? McCaul Loop? Eglinton bus garage? Sherbourne Station? They've had quite a few property redevelopments over the years where the TTC has kept access to the ground level for their own purposes.

And again, the former development at Islington falling through was not the fault of the TTC's, but with the prime tenant's - SNC Lavalin - financial difficulties.

True enough Wellesley, Eglinton, and Sherbourne all slipped my mind somehow. My main point though, is that the TTC/city hasnt been doing a good job at leveraging their existing property for development to take place overtop.

There's no reason why stations like St.Geroge, Spadina, and others have seen no development overtop. Of course there would be certain engineering challenges of performing such a task, but it's still a feasible endeavor.
There's no reason why stations like St.Geroge, Spadina, and others have seen no development overtop. Of course there would be certain engineering challenges of performing such a task, but it's still a feasible endeavor.

There is absolutely a reason. Developers are always going to go for the cheapest option, and if there is other land available - think surface parking lots, for instance - they will use that first.

In time I suspect that we'll see all of the stations close to the core get redeveloped, as well as a couple of other key locations. But for some of those locations, it may be some time still before that happens. There is still property that is currently unbuilt upon to be used first.

Jan 22
Almost completed the tunnel from the Hub to TTC tunnel and the new access to the Kiss & Ride.










…and from heavily overcast Saturday, February 1:





Jan 30
Lot More up on my site at the end and near the front as well since it was 2 visit that day.















What's the estimated completion date?
Opening September 2020. All the land not part of the Hub will be come a new TTC parking lot.

Once the Hub tunnel is connected to TTC ones, back filling and grading will start in the spring for TTC lot along with the PPU
Do they plan on reusing the giant circular slab of concrete currently being held on site?
Do they plan on reusing the giant circular slab of concrete currently being held on site?
There been a number of plans for the new TTC parking lot with a new pickup/drop off next to the north Subway Cr stair & tunnel and else where. With the removal and relocation of the existing roof last year, they plan to rebuilt it with an elevator to the new Hub tunnel. Haven seen any new plans for the area and guessing that the old drive way will not be use as it will prevent accessibility riders gaining access to the surface accessibility station entrance. The original plan and could happen at the old area that a GO Station style pickup/drop waiting area will take place.

The whole lot area is to be level up to the north retaining wall with a ramp up to Dundas at Acorn intersection that will have traffic lights. The old Subway/Auckland intersection will still see traffic lights.

There isn't much work left for the Hub Tunnel to connect to the old TTC tunnel. Once that is finish along with the elevator shaft, back filling will take place with a new slab and support columns stub being pour once the frost is gone. As the grading of the area take place, it will gives us a better idea what is going to take place there. The columns on the roof will be most likely welded to the new sub columns.

The original plan call for buses using the new Hub to uses Subway Cr to/from it, but the 180 degree loop at the west end is saying no unless buses are going to do another 180 to get back to Subway Cr. Time will tell what is going to take place for both areas now.
March 15
They have stated work on the ramp to Dundas at Acorn, but wasn't able to get shots






