Are there breakout walls and such to incorporate a potential future Mississauga Dundas LRT?

I can't seem to find the design documents for this project through Google.
Are there breakout walls and such to incorporate a potential future Mississauga Dundas LRT?

I can't seem to find the design documents for this project through Google.
Not ideal, but it beats walking down Auckland in winter.

As well standing at the bus stop on a bitching cold day/night

You will walk to the west end of Kipling subway and take the stair/escalator down to the TTC entrance; walk to where the tunnel was/is and climb a few stair to the new tunnel; walk west on a slopping tunnel by the looks of things that meet AODA standards; climb stairs/elevator to the bus platform as I don't know if there are escalator there and haven't seen any on site.

If you are going to the condos/apartments to the west of the Hub, you stay in the tunnel, but turn north under the bus driveway to the entrance/exit building that has a stair/elevator to get to the street level or up to the walkway bridge to the GO Platform. An accessibility rider will need an extra 10 minutes to get to the GO platform from TTC Subway that they current can't do today. An accessibility/stroller riders will have to use 3 elevators to get to the bus terminal and 4 to the GO platform.

Bottom line, Hydro One call the location as the hub wasn't to be under their wires and it also apply to the LRT.
Why would YRT go to kipling that’s way too far into toronto unless it’s something like viva orange heading on the 427 down or a new viva route somewhere but even then idk what the point of that is when go is more capable and suitable to service this. I’d truly see something like the 38 go bus that serves bolton-malton get extended to kipling before i see this happen
This is Metrolinx thinking. If you got an YRT bus doing this, why not a Brampton bus as well??
This is Metrolinx thinking. If you got an YRT bus doing this, why not a Brampton bus as well??
Zum heading all the way to york university and being the only outsider transit agency now still gets me to this day. Even square one too which is deep into missisauga but that sort of makes sense if you think of Peel Regional Transit. Humber/Lisgar are naturally good terminus points because steeles is just a mile away from these terminals and it's hilarious to see the whole routing of the 511 both starting and finishing outside of brampton.VMC makes sense because brampton residents take the subway as another option to get to downtown but it's not the most fastest. Malton GO/Pearson airport area (soon) also makes sense in a way and it's amazing taking one bus from northern brampton all the way to the airport and it's express as well. So my point is i wouldn’t even be surprised if we got zum all the way to kipling or even pushes its luck to long branch someday. Maybe a zum bus can run to niagara or windsor while it's at it as well
If I recall correctly, York U is a major destination for a lot of BT riders. From a transit usage perspective it makes sense to have a “1 fare, 1 line” to a heavily-used destination. If we had proper fare integration maybe this “1 line” part would’nt be necessary.

I remember listening to a podcast (The Next Stop?) where it was pointed out that BT tries hard to make transit easier for Brampton’s residents, as opposed to what’s just most efficient for operations.

It _does_ have the highest transit usage growth over the past decade of all the suburban transit operations, so some of their principles must be on point.
Perhaps the south side of the already existing Kipling bus terminal should have been used for the Mississauga busses instead.
Perhaps the south side of the already existing Kipling bus terminal should have been used for the Mississauga busses instead.
It should've, but good luck getting Hydro One agreeing to that plan. That's the main reason why the terminal is located where it is now.
It should've, but good luck getting Hydro One agreeing to that plan. That's the main reason why the terminal is located where it is now.
Precisely, there was an older plan to have the new bus terminal where the current PPUDO is located with plans and designs drawn up, but Hydro came in and rejected the proposal. Caused a delay of 2-3 years (Edit - 5-7 years!!) to redesign at the current location.
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Also to add on to what i said, i can see viva orange at most going to humber college. That seems like a definite no brainer and the most natural option as you got line 6 finch and also the 927 aka the bus extension of line 2 going to kipling as well. And it can add like a sort of redemption side to it as well as we of course know that yrt was pulled from york u
Got a look from GO platform today and a lot of finishing material to be install as well the 2 elevators to the platform. May see the elevator come Nov. A subway train got put on the trail track while I was there.

TTC can't install the 3rd track until the base of the retaining wall is done and the area around it,

Looks like the south platforms are in place, but hard to say for sure since you are below them while on the GO platform.

The driveway is graded and waiting forming to pour the concrete driveway.

Pouring of curbs around TTC power area to be done next week.
Aug 14
Looking from the GO Platform and looking at close up shots now, 2 different looks to the point no platform sidewalk has been pour on the south side.














Perhaps that terminal could have a MiWay airport and Highway 27 express busses.
109 riders can transfer to/from 100 to get to/from the airport. Other than that, don't see any other type of service being offer and that could be part of agreement with TTC as well lack of bus bays. On the other hand, GO may do that.
