The tower will occupy pretty much everything you see in that photo. You're looking at the south-west corner of the centre; the tower will replace that whole one-storey podium job and extend up the theatre's west side.

Does that mean that the stage & backstage area will have to come down and be rebuilt?
I time traveled to the future and snapped this cool sunset picture of the newly finished "L-Tower".

I also like the look of the complete FCP re-clad and a completed Ritz-Carlton!



(Original courtesy Brian Wolk at with my Photoshop work)
Wow that looks fantastic, nice work. Brian must have broken into my place to take that picture. It's almost certainly taken from Montage.
Wow that looks fantastic, nice work. Brian must have broken into my place to take that picture. It's almost certainly taken from Montage.

No... Actuallly Brian lives in your unit in the future. You won $58 million in the lottery, two years from now and moved into the penthouse of Aura a year or so after that.

P.S. Can I borrow some money?
Very awesome photoshop Traynor! L tower is competing for looks/shape with the Ritz!

300 Front should also really dominate! :D
Very awesome photoshop Traynor! L tower is competing for looks/shape with the Ritz!

300 Front should also really dominate! :D

Thanks Steveve. I was thinking of adding 300 Front, but I should have done it before I went to the trouble of doing the FCP re-clad, because it will be totally covered from that angle. (and most of Ritz too!)
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i agree little steveve!
Ritz & L complement & balance each other neatly. i would liken them to castles on each end of the toronto chess board!

as usual, great work Traynor.
Now You got the shape though I suspect the real thing might be a tad skinnier.
At the risk of being really really picky, you have the structure sitting too much to the left. ( You can go on google earth to verify). Believe it or not I think the whole left half of the cheese wedge (25 Esplanade) would be hidden at this angle. Also, well more than half of London on the Esplanade (1 Scott St.) would be seen.
Granny - yes, i think the actual building would be a bit thinner and more graceful... though I disagree with you on positioning. I think Traynor has it pretty close, maybe a few pixels to the right. Any farther than that and its intruding out onto the Esplanade. Remember this perspective is from south of the railway tracks looking slightly northeast.

I took your advice and consulted Google maps, did a screen capture and then marked in the two buildings in question and the sightline. I think its clear that you can see up The Esplanade about 1 block or so as shown in Traynor's render...
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Granny - yes, i think the actual building would be a bit thinner and more graceful... though I disagree with you on positioning. I think Traynor has it pretty close, maybe a few pixels to the right. Any farther than that and its intruding out onto the Esplanade. Remember this perspective is from south of the railway tracks looking slightly northeast.

I took your advice and consulted Google maps, did a screen capture and then marked in the two buildings in question and the sightline. I think its clear that you can see up The Esplanade about 1 block or so as shown in Traynor's render...

Nope. I respectfully disagree.
Two things.
A. The tower on the south side is a sidewalk distance away from the street. I'll give you a little. A portion of the left side of 25 might be seen but the rest, even looking at your google map, the rest should be obscured.
B. I just figured out why the L Tower looked a little plump. It's showing part of the south side. You would not see it from this angle. If anything, you MIGHT see a fraction of the north side.
I guess it might depend on what angle L is situated... is its west side parallel to Yonge, or is it south side parallel to The Esplanade? I'd say Traynor has drawn it assuming the west face parallel to Yonge. Maybe someone has the site plans handy? Anyways, we only need to stay tuned for another 3 years to see who's right! If I am wrong I will gladly buy you a beer or beverage of your choice!
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I guess it might depend on what angle L is situated... is its west side parallel to Yonge, or is it south side parallel to The Esplanade? I'd say Traynor has drawn it assuming the west face parallel to Yonge. Maybe someone has the site plans handy? Anyways, we only need to stay tuned for another 3 years to see who'd right! If I am wrong I will gladly buy you a beer or beverage of your choice!

You make a good point. I see a free martini waiting for me .;)
