this building rocks! the boot was a sad loss but i still think this'll be one epic tower once completed! (i'm praying for nice cladding like the four seasons or shangri-la!) it'll be a skyline changer for sure
I don't see why they had to scrap the curved entrance? We already lost the boot, what was the purpose of changing this too?

The cheapening - what next? Aluminum siding?

This building will look lost without the full design (the toe of the boot) it probably doesn't matter what they do to the enterance now.
The cheapening - what next? Aluminum siding?

This building will look lost without the full design (the toe of the boot) it probably doesn't matter what they do to the enterance now.

About the aluminum siding. Funny you should mention that.. LOL. Under cladding has been going up the last few days., at least I hope it's under cladding before the final fritted cladding goes on.
I've found a drawing/render of what the corner cutout will actually look like:


Yes. It is a sharp looking straight edge cut-out. Not curved as some other drawings showed. I think the straight angle will look sharp.
I rather like that we'll have two rather 'busty' towers facing each other across some distance on the skyline. (L Tower plus The Ritz - Carlton)
Looks like that angled corner is going to be much shorter than it appears in the renders. The peak appears to be at about the 10th floor in the pictures, but in reality looks like it will be a few storeys shorter than that. That is a shame becasue it would have made for a dramatic and grand entrance.
Looks like that angled corner is going to be much shorter than it appears in the renders. The peak appears to be at about the 10th floor in the pictures, but in reality looks like it will be a few storeys shorter than that. That is a shame becasue it would have made for a dramatic and grand entrance.

yes, a fair amount, but it should be nearly as impressive nonetheless,
Is there no curve(hope) left for this building??? honestly.... thats why we were attracted to this building.... now it has all these wishfull thinking supporters... no offense everyone... because im one of them also... extremely dissapointed
