I was never really a fan of this building, but it is growing on me. I guess the biggest problem I have with it right now is the location. I am not such a fan of that building being in that location. I would have preferred something like that at Yonge and Gerrard. I know, it was built to provide funding for the Hummingbird, but.....
I"m sure Elton John - circa 1975 - will approve. I'm a little concerned about the relationship with the Hummingbird which is an important and iconic city building, and I think the entertainment district would maybe be a slightly more 'appropriate' location for this design....but all of these reservations are pretty picky and overall I'm excited about seeing something so unique rise on the skyline!
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe
She had so many children she didn't know what to do.
She gave them some broth without any bread,
Then whipped them all soundly
And put them to bed.

I'm sure many residents will evoke that poem when they're asked where they live.... lol
From the looks of the rendering, it would appear that there's a die-lot problem again, this with the podium windows!

Okay, so this time the varying tones actually look planned, and good, and maybe that's extruded aluminum like the ROM, and not glass. Anyone know?

Everything about the atrium looks better now, from its angled facade on Front, to the recess under the Yonge facade, and its lateral position further south.

This refining of the design gives Christopher Hume a chance to change his mind on it...

I too like it a bit better than the first version, mainly because of the change in cladding. It will be interesting to see what is ultimately used (and whether the cladding looks as good as the rendering. Here's hoping!!).
That thing looks friggun amazing. The newer rendering and touchups done since the previous rendering make all the difference in my opinion. And of course it looks more realistic than before.
After having seen the cathedral-like spaces in the upper reaches of the crystal, I can only look at the L Tower and imagine what the units under the upper curve of the L might be like on the inside.
The new rendering looks great, thought I do share fiendish's concerns on how it will affect the old Hummingbird Centre.
One of the more unintentionally funny buildings around.

Hope they build another thigh-high ho-boot on the other side of Yonge, joined with a horizontal stretch of torn panties, in parody of Pier 27 down the street.
Maybe they can slap something vaugely Greece-shaped on top of the St. Lawrence Centre. Then we could change the name of Scott Street to Adriatic Place! It would be like the Channel Gardens at Rockefeller Centre - but better!
