amazing. is this a first? has any building ever had so many significant changes over it's lifetime? first the boot then the cladding.

anyone have any suggestions to them as to what they would like the cladding to be?

The window supplier is a newish (to Toronto) company that has basically bottomless resources and a modus operandi that involves undercutting anyone playing in the realm of normal economics. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they cheerfully scrapped an entire building's worth of cladding so that they could start over
amazing. is this a first? has any building ever had so many significant changes over it's lifetime? first the boot then the cladding.

anyone have any suggestions to them as to what they would like the cladding to be?

Changes between an architectural rendering and the actual built form happens all the time. Famous cases in point: Trump and Bay Adelaide.

The blue cladding was growing on me but I rather liked it when the tower was white. It looked like an iceberg. An appropriate cladding would be what Frank Gehry used on the IAC building in New York:

That's beautiful... feels like gossamer - light and elegant. L Tower woud look amazing with a similar treatment.
LTower is catching up with its neighbours:


This view will be so different when L, Backstage, and Union Station renovation is finished.
Great angle. Thanks for that.
Thanks Miscreant, it is from a Skywalk's balcony. I was wondering if I should still downsize my pictures to 1200 horizontal resolution; maybe it is time to keep them at least to 1600 pixels? Any thought?
Thanks Miscreant, it is from a Skywalk's balcony. I was wondering if I should still downsize my pictures to 1200 horizontal resolution; maybe it is time to keep them at least to 1600 pixels? Any thought?

The forum software automatically downsizes images to 960 pixels wide, even if you load wider versions.

Regarding the cladding being removed. Clarification from Cityzen

no changes to the window assembly, only how it is being installed on site. The look will be exactly the same.
Great to hear that Cityzen is being mindful and concientious when it comes to windows and ensuring a tight and secure building envelope. Cityzen does good work. Looking forward to what their forward plans are for Backstage as well!
no changes to the window assembly, only how it is being installed on site. The look will be exactly the same.


Great to hear that Cityzen is being mindful and concientious when it comes to windows and ensuring a tight and secure building envelope. Cityzen does good work. Looking forward to what their forward plans are for Backstage as well!

That's nice and all, but it doesn't change the fact that they have ruined a potentially gorgeous building by the use of horrendously ugly cladding.
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Yeah, but they are such nice developers, cause they want to the cladding to actually work. ;)
