
L Tower - August 25th, 2012
Excellent shots everyone. The L Tower Construction Info website is saying that work will begin on the 58th floor this week! Im assuming/hoping that the exterior structure of the mechanical floors will materialize relatively quickly - but as for residential floors, this will be the top
Caltrane, if you are the author of the blog you advertise in your sig line, you should check the difference between cache on one hand, and cachet on the other. Something distinctive and prestigious has cachet, (pronounced "cashay"). I would never correct a person on something like this if it were only a forum post, but I imagine you want a blog to look professional. It's one of those things a spellchecker won't catch.

All the best with the blog.
HDR replicates the range sure, but it's unnatural, because our eyes see scenes with distinctly differing exposures. Trying looking outside on a bright day from a dim room. Seeing the highlights, mids and lows exposed similarly at once in a single scene is quite surreal. Additionally the tonemapping exaggerates the effect, and often gives objects in photos a bizarre glow (quite noticeable around buildings against the sky).

Agreed. Which is why I qualified it with "done right".
Great way of saying "we should appreciate a lot from this building boom"
Caltrane, if you are the author of the blog you advertise in your sig line, you should check the difference between cache on one hand, and cachet on the other. Something distinctive and prestigious has cachet, (pronounced "cashay"). I would never correct a person on something like this if it were only a forum post, but I imagine you want a blog to look professional. It's one of those things a spellchecker won't catch.

All the best with the blog.

Thanks Man!

I have corrected the error, and yes, French is not my strong suit lol!
As this beauty reaches up in its final dramatic curve, a couple questions once again come to mind.
How the heck are they going to wash those upper windows?
They will have to be cleaned often. The the dirt and grime buildup on that angle is guaranteed.
I have often watched them cleaning the glass roof over across the way at the Galleria. The contraption they stand on to do it is permanent and appears quite convoluted and frankly a bit of an eyesore sitting at the eastern end of the arch when it is not in
use. Sure hope they have a better idea at LTower.

The second question for me is even more intriguing.
How are they going to prevent ice and snow buildup from sliding off to below?
That is a potentially dangerous problem that I can't possibly imagine what the solution would be.
