Okay okay, we get it; you think the L Tower looks like a pregnant woman's profile. It's a shame aA didn't get this project, am I right?

Oh no, she's anything but pregnant here. Christina Hendricks from "Mad Men" as Joan (or as I like to refer to her, as "Red") is the hottest, curviest woman on television. It's all about that beautiful left hand curve prominently shown there.
Hi all, the attached file shows how the Plaza and the base will look like which is different from the rendering. It does not look like there will be a fountain. The attached base design looks much closer to the actual product.

What's that green stuff? a putting green? blech!
The schedule for this week involves only one concrete pour (between the 58th and 59th floor)
Schedules from previous weeks involve pouring almost every day so it would appear major work has shifted to interiors and glazing
Oh no, she's anything but pregnant here. Christina Hendricks from "Mad Men" as Joan (or as I like to refer to her, as "Red") is the hottest, curviest woman on television. It's all about that beautiful left hand curve prominently shown there.

Oh, I agree with you for sure. I was referring to US's fourth or fifth (or more) comment comparing it to a pregnant woman. Beating a dead horse, anyone?
The schedule for this week involves only one concrete pour (between the 58th and 59th floor)
Schedules from previous weeks involve pouring almost every day so it would appear major work has shifted to interiors and glazing
They already started the wall and column concrete pour, levels 58 – 59 last week. Don't think doing other major work should slow them down since other trades and subcontractors are involved.

The thread heading shows 58 floors, I believe that's for residential and floor 59 should be the start off mechanical floors.
From the construction schedule: Friday, September 14 *A delivery of a pressurization fan, starting at 9:00 am. Maybe the reason it takes longer to finish floor even though the floors are getting much smaller.
8 September 2012: Ok so L Tower was probably sketched on a piece of toilet paper by DL & actually designed by his minions & most likely P+S but there are only several buildings under construction in Toronto that feel like they'd fit in in Manhattan. L Tower is one of them--the new Four Seasons is another--and I think looks pretty hot from here:


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Great pics, Urban.
anyone whos seen L tower recently from a distance will know it looks like a side ways boat forget this pregnant thing
September 9th:

from the west

from the south

from the southeast

and finally from east
Incredible shots sMTer!

Taken this morning, Sept. 10, 2012, from the east:


Closeup on the top:


And this evening, before dark:

excellent shots! it's hard to take a bad photo of this one. I quite enjoy the unusual shape created by the fact of the south face running parallel to The Esplanade rather than simply being parallel to it's north face (which is really only appreciated form the east)...
