Using the climbing frame the crane will eventually be disassembled in reverse order of the way it was built (one tower section at a time). But even if the form work is all done now (which I am not sure of), I think there is still a lot of work remaining before this will happen. I expect a lot of steel to still go up there, as well as the BMU (building maintenance unit) and maybe other machinery.

Ahh, didn't realize they would be putting up steel. Will be interesting to see some pics of the top bit once the RCS panels come down. Such a small work area would scare the crap outta me, course I guess one just gets used to it evenutally.
The Esplanade

The London towers are very nice ! Particularly from ground level, some really nice touches.

Honestly one of the better developments in the last 10 years or so.
Ontario is so flat, the more artificial canyons we can create, the better.

It'd be bonus if those canyons are also full of people, food, and things to waste money on.

There are plenty of natural, pristine, and very beautiful canyons in the far unpeopled reaches of Ontario. This is the big city.
I really hope this building has some kind of lighted feature up top. It's such a great building and it needs to shine at night.
