I like that idea. Just toss in a Brookfield III across the street and we'll be all set. I wish Toronto had something as lovely as Bryant Park in the core..

That would make it as long or longer than St. James Park. The views Westward would be improved, as the bank buildings would be less obstructed--the Yonge St border would also look very nice, with the historic buildings on the West side of the street, complimenting the edge of the park. It really needs an expansion. It's too small and as the St. Lawrence neighbourhood continues to grow, it won't be large enough to accommodate all the extra people. I'd also love to see Metro Hall demolished, and David Pecaut Square turned into a park, that stretches to John St. That would be our real Bryant Park, if you will. The views from there would be incredible.
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Love how you managed to frame the streetcar wires onto the glazing perimeter there sMT!
One Million Views

Yesterday evening (almost there):


... and this morning (gotcha!)

The L Tower, like Absolute in Mississauga, is one of the few local developments that I can bring up in ordinary conversation no matter where I am because it's that remarkable.

In a stunning recent discovery, the original shadow studies submitted by the developer were deemed to be, “just plain wrong,” and “placed the sun where it shouldn’t be,” claimed one City official. Currently, L Tower casts its shadow on St. James Cathedral at King St E and Church St at approximately 12:30 p.m. Shadows on the historic Church at this time are a no no in the St Lawrence area and have caused considerable stress to those who enjoy full sun on the park lawns during their lunch hour. In keeping with it’s outstanding reputation for customer service, the developer has agreed to reduce the structure by 17 storeys. While some of the curvature of the building will remain, any similarity to an “L” has long gone out the window. The developers will be renaming the building and will hold a public contest in the near future. Sad news for some. But Happy April 1st :p
This site needs a "Member of the Month" section so that posts like TOCondoGarden's April Fools can be acknowledged for making these forums such a great place to be. Thanks for those 3 posts, TCG. I was hoping to see more of your wittiness in other threads :p
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