Thanks Mo-tage, you are right. I got direction and water tower completely wrong. It must be the Leslie Tank near Talwood Drive. So kris's picture must have been taken somewhere near 404 and Finch.
Very good guess. Let's see if kris can confirm and also tell us what camera and lens he used. It's an amazing zoom.
Marcus is correct it was taken from fairview, camera used is Nikon P510, which has 42x optical zoom lens(24mm-1000mm)

edit: zoomed out perspective

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Every time I try shooting from that location, the weathers/smog has been against me. Nice to see someone get a nice shot from there.

Aura is standing out now in that shot.
Does anybody know what the podium will be used for and what's going into the first floor along Yonge Street? Will it have stores or a restaurant? I hope it's not going to be just condo amenities/lobby.
Does anybody know what the podium will be used for and what's going into the first floor along Yonge Street? Will it have stores or a restaurant? I hope it's not going to be just condo amenities/lobby.

You know I'm all for retail but fronting Yonge street ? It doesn't really make any sense here ...

As far as I'm aware there is 0 retail in this building and the building going up just south of here.
^^ So what's going into that podium? Is it just the lobby for the condo? If so, that's going to be one boring walk down Yonge Street. I'm pretty sure, the building south of L (backstage) will have a few retail spaces. I think I read that somewhere. (probably on this site)
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Mirror, Mirror

Courtesy of SkyJacked here is the reverse ultra zoom from L Tower towards Leslie Tank, Westin Prince Hotel, and Fairview Mall in north-northeastern direction:



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sMT were you able to make out how that swing stage was able to stay so close to the building on the underside of the curved north face? It would settle that window washing debate we had a while ago.
sMT were you able to make out how that swing stage was able to stay so close to the building on the underside of the curved north face? It would settle that window washing debate we had a while ago.

I didn't really think of it at the time, but I will see what I can figure out next time I am there
