There has been two shootings in the past few months... Closer to the Market Wharf area of all places... I walk along the Esplanade nearly every day and now I consciously avoid it in the afternoons/late night. I know that things can happen anywhere but there just seems to be too much going on along this stretch.
Maybe it's just extraordinarily noteworthy when it happens, but it seems that a high percentage of gang gun crimes in Toronto happen in central high profile areas (Eaton Centre, Yorkdale, Little Italy, Entertainment District etc)... and I say 'seems to' because this just an impression only. I do wonder though to what degree this happens in large US cities like Chicago or NYC etc., if the percentage is similar? Crime is definitely worse in those cities but is it more confined to bad neighbourhoods?
Chicago has had numerous weekends recently with 10+ shootings, and not just confined to the south side. How many shootings have happened at Eaton Centre? How many at Yorkdale? Not a lot. I don't think there's an extraordinary amount of violence happening in the esplanade/market area; I think we perceive these small events as huge shifts, when really, they're just one offs. The TPS has both a crime map and crime stat site, and gun violence is down so far this year. Also, no homicides anywhere near the esplanade/south of king.
The one-off aspect aside, wonder if it could be a side effect of Regent Park redevelopment - displacing existing criminal elements to peripheral areas?

Maybe it's just extraordinarily noteworthy when it happens, but it seems that a high percentage of gang gun crimes in Toronto happen in central high profile areas (Eaton Centre, Yorkdale, Little Italy, Entertainment District etc)... and I say 'seems to' because this just an impression only.

It seems that way because the media jumps on these events, often carrying on about how this is no longer "Toronto the good", it's the "summer/year of the gun", the city is "no longer innocent", etc. Gun violence in low-income areas doesn't attract nearly as much attention. Events are reported and usually quickly buried, with the unspoken implication that violence is to be expected in such places. But when it happens out in areas where middle and upper class people might get hurt? Those stories sell!

Sorry to derail the thread.
A person was shot in the leg at Jarvis and The Esplanade a couple weeks ago and it was heavily covered by the media. I doubt they would cover that and not a murder.
True, but apprently there have been several other shootings lately that have recevied no coverage.
My apologies for continuing the derailing here, but I just want to add that I hung out in this exact area multiple times a week for about four years due to having a band rehearsal space in the old Siesta Nouveau building, and though there are some kids in the area up to teenage nonsense, I never for a second felt I needed to worry about being shot. Very sad news if it's true now. That's a stellar, multi-income neighborhood.
No but I have to add, I walk in this area at night at all and I notice NOHTING at all, though not very late mind you ... 6pm - 9pm ... this is really hard to believe, there isn't much in the area that'd warrant it.

I have friends who live in the area and they've said something similar (i.e. along the lines of they've never heard of any issues).

Maybe a couple of one off incidents that just happened to be in the area ? Not good, but still ..
I did some digging - actually, if you search around a little, there are one off shootings in the area very year or so, though they tend to be in the Jarvis / Front area ... and more so in the lower Esplande area, actually this I can see, we all know there are a lot of social subsidized along this stretch, from basically Jarvis across to the Distillery District, essentially on either side of the park.

Now some of these are just co-ops, which are fine.

So thinking about it more, at least in that area, I guess I could see issues every once in a while.

I don't think this is area is as mixed use as it is further north a little ... I do think this stretch could use a little more in the way of condos (though there are no vacant lots for this).
Talk about derailing. Lol.

And I'm afraid I started it way back.

Time to get this choo choo back on track.
As far as The Backstage parking for LTower tenants is going (a long long way off), anybody have any idea where the the first number of move in owners are going to put their cars?
Could this possibly be a reason for the impression I personally am getting that construction activity appears to have slowed down.
Alright guys, this thread needs to get back on track. This is getting too far off topic, so here is something relevant to point the thread back in the right direction:

New story, new photos.

Thanks for the link SMT. Great shots !! Nice to have an update.
I wonder how long it will take to get/install the glazing for the penthouse.

That is the one thing about this project, the cladding supplier delivery has been really slow. It makes the construction drag forever. Once here, it looks great though.
