I just scanned through the document quickly, so maybe I missed something? If the zoning ammendament was passed why would it need to be appealed?

yes it was passed by council, no it wouldn't need to get appealed, and hopefully it doesn't, but some concerned rate payers group, neighbour etc. can still appeal the decision to the board
right... well I dont remember any big fuss over this one especially with its location on such a prominent corner. So cross our fingers and hopefully construction starts soon. Last official word we got was construction was to start in July, but tomorrow is already August.
does 'construction' of hoarding boards around the site perimeter count? they did do that! :D
There are signs for Aura, but no hoarding. It's still an open parking lot.
Construction of the tower isn't expected until next year. It's the SONY Centre reno that will start shortly.
Just came across a couple images that show how they may have come up with the present design of the L-Tower:

Courtesy of WAN:


Model progression:

Night shot (may have already been posted):

Artslab Entrance Yonge St.:

Other than that, I went past on Saturday and noticed nothing new! Exciting eh!

Thanks P5, those are a lot of fun.

In other news: Artslab? ARTSLAB? They've renamed AHA to ARTSLAB? Awesome.

So is it ARTS-LAB?


...'Cause one of those is enough.
that second image showing all the experimental versions of the tower is so cool! I bet we'll be seeing some similar versions popping up (perhaps we already did with those international ads a couple pages back)
I've been visiting this forum for updates on the L Tower project since buying a unit last year, and thought I'd jump in to share this link (sorry if it's been posted before!):


From this page you can find the meeting minutes for recent meetings between the development co., the community, the city, etc. including plans for development of the PATH, parking structure at 5-7 the esplanade, etc.

I've been disappointed to see no progress on the site so far... are we past the point where this project can be disallowed, or are we confident that this is going through?

Its a long time to wait, and it's feeling like that Nov '10 occupancy date is getting pushed farther and farther away...

Has anyone had any contact w/ the sales office? Have they re-opened?!

Reading posts like yours reaffirms my decision not to buy until the building's finished and even then I'll probably rent a unit in the building for a year before purchasing. You must be incredibly frustrated especially since this is a high end building by a starchitect - you'd expect more. It looks like a complicated structure, I can't see any way it will be ready by 2010.
