The L Tower from several angles today (Jan 21, 2013)







I wonder how L tower would look with the same glass used for the corner piece... (or is it the same glass just with larger panels?)
Smoking Gun

Great shot Udo. That curtain wall looks crisp.

The curtain and window wall look pretty good from a distance, but if you take a closer look you will notice a lot of problem areas. I am not an expert, but below are a few examples of in my opinion sloppy and poor craftsmanship. Click on any images to zoom into the giga-panorama published earlier.

Is this improperly installed window seal sticking out?

Where did the glass go?

Are we missing a blue metal panel?

Is this corner installed correctly? Looks (very) crooked to me.
Look also for scratches, silicone spills and the opening gap to the window wall.

Is this patchwork going to stay like this?

Is this broken glass going to be fixed?

In the giga-panorama you will find additional "problem" snapshots you can explore.
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The curtain and window wall look pretty good from a distance, but if you take a closer look you will notice a lot of problem areas. I am not an expert, but below are a few examples of in my opinion sloppy and poor craftsmanship.

Thank you Udo for these pics. I noticed the same issues as well which makes you question the end result. I do certainly hope that they will fix these before handing over the final product - it does look like some kindergarten work to be honest. My assumption is that they will obviously have to replace the broken transparent windows (and spandrel where missing) but doubt that they will do anything about the other crooked patchwork/dents/white glass....

I really do hope that I am wrong but perhaps Cityzen can enlighten us on would be a a shame to leave this as is - yes from a distance you wouldnt notice really but I am not sure if it is a "normal" feature of what you would expect from condo construction these days and should be accepted as is? Any construction experts around? :)
Folks the building isn't even close to being finished yet. Why post things that are bound to fixed in due course? What's next a tour of all the issues not completed on the interior? And some of the issues pointed out here are quite funny. Who, outside someone with a powerful camera living at London On The Esplanade, is going to see any of this 30 floors up?
It was too cold to try to hold a camera still. I couldn’t resist, it may be a dependency.

First three, 24th Floor







What can I say, I like crane pictures.



Looks kind of like an Alfred Hitchcock caricature.

Great photos Skyjacked. The developing Union station canyon is a new interesting perspective for the city.

Conrad Black, I should hope the developer doesn't feel the same way. We shouldn't jump to conclusions on the basis of details, but sometimes details can be a window into the soul of the organization.
Guys this building is still under construction. Damaged and ill-fitting components will be fixed when the building is completed. You will find this on any construction site.
The curtain and window wall look pretty good from a distance, but if you take a closer look you will notice a lot of problem areas. I am not an expert, but below are a few examples of in my opinion sloppy and poor craftsmanship. Click on any images to zoom into the giga-panorama published earlier.

Is this improperly installed window seal sticking out?

Where did the glass go?

Are we missing a blue metal panel?

Is this corner installed correctly? Looks (very) crooked to me.
Look also for scratches, silicone spills and the opening gap to the window wall.

Is this patchwork going to stay like this?

Is this broken glass going to be fixed?

In the giga-panorama you will find additional "problem" snapshots you can explore.

Thank you Udo for these pics. I noticed the same issues as well which makes you question the end result. I do certainly hope that they will fix these before handing over the final product - it does look like some kindergarten work to be honest. My assumption is that they will obviously have to replace the broken transparent windows (and spandrel where missing) but doubt that they will do anything about the other crooked patchwork/dents/white glass....

I really do hope that I am wrong but perhaps Cityzen can enlighten us on would be a a shame to leave this as is - yes from a distance you wouldnt notice really but I am not sure if it is a "normal" feature of what you would expect from condo construction these days and should be accepted as is? Any construction experts around? :)

Your comments are somewhat premature. L Tower is currently a building under construction and by no means complete as we are sure you can see. We, at Cityzen, are confident in our sister company, Dominus Construction and the quality workmanship for which they are known. Dominus has a team on site with every project they build to ensure the quality and integrity of the building and its design are maintained. Procedures are in place to address all aspects throughout the construction process that ensure the final product of each project is of the high quality Cityzen/Dominus has set.
I would honestly be surprised if the finished product still contained those errors. Cityzen is one of the best developers in the city, they would not be one to leave their finished product like that.

Really fantastic shots today! Hard to pick a favourite, but I'd probably go with the close up shot from the DVP with the cranes overlapping. Very cool.
what (in the second picture black and white) are those shapes in the skies? was it taking behind glass window and simply reflextions? first picture udo is really interesting showing the lighting in the area. beautiful shot.
