It's getting exhausting having things like that show up in our email boxes. Daily. Sometimes hourly.

"our email boxes"? are you posting on behalf of a group? anyway:

1. go to 'settings'

2. on the left: click 'general settings'

3. see all those options there? pick a bunch that aren't "Default Thread Subscription Mode: Instantly, using email"
I absolutely love this building. The impact it has on Toronto's skyline when driving into Toronto on the Gardiner is absolutely incredible. Dare I say that it is almost iconic.
These are the kind of buildings we need more of. L Tower isn't going to be regarded as an architectural masterpiece I suspect, but it's very impressive. If there's one thing that makes architecture boring in Toronto is this lousy dichotomy of iconic masterpiece versus background building. Every building should stand out for a city that's architecturally impressive, with a few that take things to a higher level. Furthermore, great buildings should be preserved and reused, and not demolished even for new great buildings.
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Vertical panorama stitched together from 5 pictures taken this morning. Full resolution version here.
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One of the things i love about this building is just how simple the design is. You see all these other condos going up that seem to be a mess because its covered with all these different colours and shapes, which sometimes doesnt work, when really its these simple yet elegant buildings that work for me.
One of the things i love about this building is just how simple the design is. You see all these other condos going up that seem to be a mess because its covered with all these different colours and shapes, which sometimes doesnt work, when really its these simple yet elegant buildings that work for me.

it's weird cause I agree with you on the elegant design, but what stops this building from being perfect is the cladding imo. It's a little too busy up close with the balconies, vertical white strips, and the window framing. A smoother, mirror-like curtain wall might have looked a little sharper and more elegant; I also think that the podium shapes are a little unnecessary (although necessary for any sort of ammentities to exist. I think it would have been pretty cool having the entrance on the north side without anything in the way, so you could look up witht the building towering/tapering above you; but that's just me.
Balconies ruin pretty much every building. No one knows how to make them properly. Inset looks ok on L Tower, but it would look ten folds better without any.
Balconies ruin pretty much every building. No one knows how to make them properly.

Balconies don't have to be a bad thing, or a hidden thing. A lot of newer Toronto designs have been embracing balconies instead of trying to minimize their impact. Think Market Wharf, Clear Spirit/Gooderham.

Inset looks ok on L Tower, but it would look ten folds better without any.

Like many projects, a vision like L Tower probably would have been better executed as an office building, entirely clad in the same curtain wall as the existing north side. That statement aside, for a condominium this is beyond top notch.
I think they should not have used spandrel on the sides with the balconies. Instead they should have used the balcony glass to create the vertical lines.
love the hdr effect ^ L tower would definitely have looked equally as nice/if not better if it were slightly taller especially since 88 Scott will rival it in height... needless to say, still a really nice, stand-out building. The addition/impact on the skyline is at par with the Four Seasons imo.
love the hdr effect ^.

Thanks. Shooting to the west into the sun in the evening washes out a lot of detail, so I had to photoshop the hell out of todays lot of photos!
Thanks. Shooting to the west into the sun in the evening washes out a lot of detail, so I had to photoshop the hell out of todays lot of photos!

All of that super bright strained my little tool kit. This was the last easy pic of the day.

This photo required more than I have to make it look good.

