Blinds can be put on a guided track to conform to the shape/slant of a window. Curtains would be an issue though.

Great shots 42 !!

i work in a building with slanted blinds on windows ... they work quite well.
Great pics.

I was always under the impression everyone working or visiting a construction site needs to wear a hard hat.

They do, but I guess they weren't expecting UrbanTorontonians with powerful zoom functions when they took the hats off!
The slanted windows are all on the north side, so the units will get very little direct sunlight.

Toronto's north is not true north however, so those units will get afternoon sun through those windows, especially in the summer (the time of year that they need it least!).

Toronto's north is not true north however, so those units will get afternoon sun through those windows, especially in the summer (the time of year that they need it least!).


That's why I said "very little" instead of "no". Still much less direct sun than if they faced any other Toronto-aligned direction.
I'm arguing that they'll get more than very little, and that in fact they'll get a fair bit. In my photos on the previous page, the sun is already on the "north" side, and it's only April.

26 April 2014: I'm gonna argue that NimbyTect is a better window dresser than the 3 newbies that ruin the vibe in this photo:

Lotsa misssing windows--what happened?
^ nice pics
what happened to all the missing windows. is the glass already falling? :p
Can anyone explain what the three raised circular forms per panel are on the glass at the top five levels?
Not venting. They are to stop ice or snow sliding off in sheets.

Brilliant, thank you. I was still hoping for a surprise, unannounced light feature :)
