I find it hard to believe that all the retail needs of this community will be self contained. Basically you would need to build a Hillcrest Mall within this area. Can't see that happening. I'm all for density but this area seems too shut off. Both Bayview and Yonge will be a mess traffic wise.

Completely agree ... not with the traffic situation - that will depend on the transit use % but there is NO WAY all the retail needs will be anywhere close to self contained ... that makes no sense whatsoever.
I find it hard to believe that all the retail needs of this community will be self contained. Basically you would need to build a Hillcrest Mall within this area. Can't see that happening. I'm all for density but this area seems too shut off. Both Bayview and Yonge will be a mess traffic wise.

It doesn't mean they have to be entirely self-sufficient (even people downtown go different places to shop!) but you certainly shouldn't have to drive to get a bottle of wine or a pair of khakis.

Those numbers indicate about 500,000 sq. ft. of retail on that little island so we'll have to see how that pans out.

I agree the biggest challenge is managing traffic that only has two ways in and out. Don't forget there's a 2000 car parking lot right across the street for the subway too.

They're going to have to do a lot to get the 50%+ modal split they are targeting but you have to admire the ambition I guess.

I am just amazed at the land assembly that had to go on here, so many industrial properties. Good work by the guys at Country Wide Homes and Kylemore Homes - I wonder if they plan on building the whole thing themselves or sell off the blocks when they are approved?

The land assembly is less complete on the east side of the tracks, I gather.
Most of the land, I believe is now owned by Queensville Properties and Condor (Romeo DeGasperis), btw. I think Condor and Country Wide are the same but I can't keep all these guys straight. Either way, they have been working with the town on this plan rather than having it imposed on them. I wish I had a piece of it...
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It looks like there will also be a connection to Hwy 7 at Red Cedar. Still, it will be chaotic.
Wikkid. In the Richmond Hill plan, they talk of transforming the low-density commercial lands and large surface parking lots (read: big box madness) into something more desirable.

Thank the maker! The possibility of erasing that blight upon the landscape is a very warming thought indeed. :)
(Now only if the "Golden" Mile were to undergo such a transformation!)

Seperately: The hydro corridor is going to kind of cut this Langstaff/RHC development in half, which is unfortunate. I don't suppose there is any way the whole thing can be buried. Do any technologies/processes/techniques exist for making this possible? I think it would be rather desirable here.
The land assembly is less complete on the east side of the tracks, I gather.
Most of the land, I believe is now owned by Queensville Properties and Condor (Romeo DeGasperis), btw. I think Condor and Country Wide are the same but I can't keep all these guys straight.

Less than half of the property is owned by Contango Holdings which is Kylemore Homes, the dominant land holder has purchased their pieces as indvidual numbered companies, ie: 53-57 Langstaff Road East Developments Inc or 32 Ruggles Ave Developments Inc - this is Country Wide Homes which I beleive is run by one of the Degasperis brothers although the signing officer is Sam Balsano.
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Less than half of the property is owned by Contango Holdings which is Kylemore Homes, the dominant land holder has purchased their pieces as indvidual numbered companies, ie: 53-57 Langstaff Road East Developments Inc or 32 Ruggles Ave Developments Inc - this is Country Wide Homes which I beleive is run by one of the Degasperis brothers although the signing officer is Sam Balsano.

Yup - Balsano + Romeo DeGasperis=Condor=Country Wide.
I found this which has a bit about the owners.


These committee minutes from Markham list those two as well as:
Paclang Holdings Inc.
Tan-Mark Holdings Ltd.,
Mark Tan Developments Inc.

Those are all on the west side of the tracks which goes to what I was saying earlier.
A.G.S. Consultants Limited
M.A.N. Enterprises Ltd

Add these two to the list as well!

I wonder what name they will actually use when they start marketing this thing.
on a related note, the Richmond Hill Regional Centre Design and Land Use Study Open House was last night



presentation is up
Urban Strategies, iTrans and Morrison Hershfield are the the consultants for the RHRCDALUS... maybe this one deserves its own thread
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Maybe a combined thread?

They are supposed to be integrated according to provincial growth plans.
A.G.S. Consultants Limited
M.A.N. Enterprises Ltd

Add these two to the list as well!

I wonder what name they will actually use when they start marketing this thing.

...and Cosini Properties.

You have to love the development industry.
Could Mark Tan and Tan Mark possibly be related, for example?
Next up - trying to track who made campaign donations...

And I agree we might as well keep RH in this thread. It's two munis but it's the same growth node.
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An article up about last week's council presentation.


I wouldn't have guessed the Yonge Street towers were as high as 50 stories, but there ya go. I know Minto Midtown's not quite that tall so how far south do you have to go to find another building of that height?

And mention was made, in regards to Mtown's question about hydro. The planners basically said they've tried bury that kind of hydro and have not yet been able to do it. It is unfortunate that the highways and hydro create some dead space which would be great for integrating the two centres.
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An article up about last week's council presentation.


I wouldn't have guessed the Yonge Street towers were as high as 50 stories, but there ya go. I know Minto Midtown's not quite that tall so how far south do you have to go to find another building of that height?

And mention was made, in regards to Mtown's question about hydro. The planners basically said they've tried bury that kind of hydro and have not yet been able to do it. It is unfortunate that the highways and hydro create some dead space which would be great for integrating the two centres.

Minto Midtown is taller then 50 stories ...
