It'd be nice if the TTC put in a weekend service stop between Lake Shore and Commissioners so people can take the streetcar to Leslie Street Spit. At least just in the summer.
It'd be nice if the TTC put in a weekend service stop between Lake Shore and Commissioners so people can take the streetcar to Leslie Street Spit. At least just in the summer.
Surely they'd be challenged to catch a streetcar running into the yard during the daytime on a weekend - unless they are going late at night.

What's wrong with the current TTC bus stop at Leslie and Commissioners - isn't it closer to Leslie Spit?
Surely they'd be challenged to catch a streetcar running into the yard during the daytime on a weekend - unless they are going late at night.

What's wrong with the current TTC bus stop at Leslie and Commissioners - isn't it closer to Leslie Spit?

I guess I mean a new service streetcar route to promote our waterfront. Say 515 Tommy Thompson (hourly 10am-6pm, Sat to Sun, May to Sept). The current bus is obviously more than adequate, but it'd be interesting to utilize the spur into the yards into at least some kind of service.
I guess I mean a new service streetcar route to promote our waterfront. Say 515 Tommy Thompson (hourly 10am-6pm, Sat to Sun, May to Sept). The current bus is obviously more than adequate, but it'd be interesting to utilize the spur into the yards into at least some kind of service.
When, I've taken the 83, it's pretty empty south. I can't imagine. I'd imagine the number of people using this line a day, wouldn't be measured in the thousands, or hundreds, but in the dozens.
In the winter of 2014-2015, we had many CLRV/ALRV streetcars going out of service due to the cold. See link. The TTC had stored subway trains overnight in tunnels or underground sidings, to keep them available for service. Because they were stored outside, they were liable to be frozen. With the Leslie barns, could the TTC store the CLRV/ALRV indoors, during cold weather forecasts? If their can use their trolleys in the barns, or have employees following them to guarding the trolleys from missteps.


Just to get them out of the cold.
From TTC's Project website:

Project Update – November 25, 2015
The acoustic wall around the Leslie Barns was designed by Brown and Storey Architects. It will look very different once complete! In addition to red decorative panels and greenery, two large full height viewing panels will be installed, one on Lake Shore Boulevard, and one on Leslie Street. Please see the Landscape Design page for more information.


Example of a full height viewing panel to be installed in 2016. One will be placed along Lake Shore Boulevard and one on Leslie Street.
It seems to me that storing ALRVs indoors at Leslie is a solid idea, subject to aisles being available. There's no physical impediment since the LB was intended to store C/ALRVs this summer if it had been ready. There might be a couple of reasons not to, such as crews having to report to Leslie rather than Russell? (I would think driving an ALRV not left in the bitter cold would be more comfortable but...)

It's a shame more of the complex isn't under even basic shelter, maybe with solar panels on the topside to compensate for having to light the underside. But I guess the budget was already pretty big...
A solution for just one winter, for a handful of cars then. A winter that's been predicted to be milder than average ... unlike our much colder than average last 2 winters.

Seems rather unnecessary.

From this link to the TTC:

TTC technical briefing for winter preparation of streetcars
November 27, 2015

The TTC will hold a technical overview for media about winter preparation of the older streetcar fleet.

Where: Roncesvalles Carhouse, 20 The Queensway (Queen St. W. and Roncesvalles Ave.)
When: Tuesday, December 1, 2015, 10:30 a.m.​
A solution for just one winter, for a handful of cars then. A winter that's been predicted to be milder than average ... unlike our much colder than average last 2 winters.

One winter is more than zero winters. A handful of cars is greater than zero cars, not to mention that last year it WAS only a handful of cars which had the issues. Predicted to be milder than average does not mean it will be milder than average, and even if it is, that does not mean it will be warm enough for 0 streetcars to experience temperature-related problems.

Seems pretty necessary to me, given that there's fairly little reason not to, with the barns being mostly empty.
