I still find the Behemoth to be a smoother ride, but the Leviathan definitely takes exhilaration to a whole new level.

On a side note, once you go with the "Fast Lane" you can never go back. I was there last Sunday during the Victoria Day weekend and was still able to ride all the major attractions like 2-3 times each. It's probably not needed during random week days, but is totally worth it on busy weekends.
However this summer's CW visit will still be my last. Sucks getting old. :(

It's amazing how the older you get the more you think about all the things that could go wrong. Riding the Bohemoth and Lev was a major win for me this wknd. Had a big "victory" grin on my face after (My daughther and I went only to ride these 2, we high fived all the way home :D ).

But you're right, it does suck getting old. I guess that's the reason they only send young people to war; when you are young, you are invincible (fearless).

I agree with you, the "fast lane" pass is a must have if you go on a weekend.
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Does anyone else find it odd that CWL Doesn't advertise the Leviathan? It's not in any of their TV ads or ads that are included in the newspaper.
It's amazing how the older you get the more you think about all the things that could go wrong.

I never think about that. If you thought about all the possible things that could go wrong with anything while you're out you'll be stuck home under the bed sheets.

That being said I do consider rollercoasters safer than skydiving. :p

I have freaked out before when I was 13-15 on the giant ferris wheel at Darien Lake. No other rides fazed me height-wise. I've never had that sensation since until last year. I had a mild freak out on the Windseeker. I *REALLY* wanted to get off that thing once it got to the top and started spinning. I think it's the combination of being really high and moving slowly.

I agree with you, the "fast lane" pass is a must have if you go on a weekend.

With this being the last trip I may consider that as I would only be going on the Leviathan, Behemoth and (not among the fast pass rides) Sledgehammer.

Has anyone had the all-you-can-eat "backyard" picnic thing? Is it any good? Is it worth it?
Has anyone had the all-you-can-eat "backyard" picnic thing? Is it any good? Is it worth it?

It's pretty basic picnic stuff: green salad, potato salad, pasta, hamburger (very small patties), hotdog, fountain drinks. The highlight is the ice cream sandwiches/bars.
Does anyone else find it odd that CWL Doesn't advertise the Leviathan? It's not in any of their TV ads or ads that are included in the newspaper.

I dont think they really need more advertisements. the lineup is +2hr plus!
It's is true, I used to love the rides at the CNE & Disney World when I was a kid and teenager, then Canada's Wonderland in my 20's. Today, you can't get me near any of those rides!

I never think about that. If you thought about all the possible things that could go wrong with anything while you're out you'll be stuck home under the bed sheets.

Nope, bed bugs! :)
OMG! I just noticed that I can see this from my balcony at Kipling/Dundas. My camera sucks; the zoom doesn't really pick it up or I would post a picture.
^2 July 2012 I spy:


(Over 14 miles north from where the photo was taken wow!)
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It's not just the height of the structure, the ground elevation of Canada's Wonderland has a lot to do with its visibility as the park has ground elevation between 730 to 750ft ASL. In comparison, Lake Ontario is only 243ft ASL. Combining the height of the structure (306ft)with the difference in elevation (approx. 500 where the ride is located) means that to an observer on lake Ontario the ride would appear to be 800ft tall!! To someone in the 6 points or high park area, like you two, the pinnacle height of the structure is still some 700ft above your respective local ground level.
It's not just the height of the structure, the ground elevation of Canada's Wonderland has a lot to do with its visibility as the park has ground elevation between 730 to 750ft ASL. In comparison, Lake Ontario is only 243ft ASL. Combining the height of the structure (306ft)with the difference in elevation (approx. 500 where the ride is located) means that to an observer on lake Ontario the ride would appear to be 800ft tall!! To someone in the 6 points or high park area, like you two, the pinnacle height of the structure is still some 700ft above your respective local ground level.

You're rather cavalierly ignoring the curvature of the earth in your calculations. With Vaughan being pretty close to the Tree Line, that's got to factor in significantly.
Obviously I was making a simple generalization, since the curvature of the earth is not the only thing that impends a persons view of the structure i.e. changes in elevation between the structure and the observers point, other structures/objects rising from the horizon. But yes, its inaccurate of me to note those heights. In any case the change in elevation adds far more height(+500ft) than that which is lost due to the curvature of the earth to begin with(-100ft from 12.3 miles). And that is the reason why the structure is so visible from those distances, that being the point.
