A lot of those parks that are booming now went through a period where they barely got any attention and are only playing catch up.
The parks in the southern US have an advantage that CW will never have and that is all year round summer weather. I don't see many hotel chains being interested in setting up inside CW or next door. I hope i can be proving wrong. I just don't see people wanna visit CW for half a week or so. Also, many young families who visit the parks in Florida or Cali do it as part of a bigger vacation package that includes visits to the beach and outlets, two things that are nowhere to be found in Canada.

I will certainly agree that Wonderland is not, nor likely to ever be a year-round park. That's why my suggested goal is Best SEASONAL park in the world.

As far as accommodation is concerned, I would not that both Darien Lake and Cedar Point feature hotels/lodges on or adjacent to their parks, and they are both seasonal parks in northern U.S. States.

I will grant, even if Wonderland were able to re-take some of the land recklessly sold off years ago; they will not likely feature a beach or camping; however; they do have have other features (or potential) for viable accommodation.

First, Vaughan does have hotels up there now, its not like its a total back-water, LOL There's no reason they could not be concentrated to some degree adjacent to Wonderland (while also serving the broader community)

Of more interest is that Wonderland sits only 2.5km north of the new terminus of the Spadina Subway. (wonderland is Jane, just north of Rutherford, subway will end roughly at Jane & 7 I believe.)

Even at that, it will be fairly well connected to the GTA transportation network.

But, is it really unrealistic to say, what if you did the Jane St. edge of Wonderland's property (all parking now) with high density residential and hotel? Could that justify (in 20 years) taking the subway just 1-2 stops further? I'd be the first to say it shouldn't be extended to #7 in the first place, but it is, and once its that close, its not a big stretch to extend it up the street.

Wonderland could also add the shopping package by partnering w/near-by Vaughan Mills. I don't see this as particularly challenging.

Anyways, will see how it call comes together, I just want to see some real ambition at the Park. Why settle for 4.1M visitors in a year? Why not aim for 6,000,000 or more? They could start by opening on Fridays in Sept, which Cedar Point does.....
Of more interest is that Wonderland sits only 2.5km north of the new terminus of the Spadina Subway. (wonderland is Jane, just north of Rutherford, subway will end roughly at Jane & 7 I believe.)

Even at that, it will be fairly well connected to the GTA transportation network.

But, is it really unrealistic to say, what if you did the Jane St. edge of Wonderland's property (all parking now) with high density residential and hotel? Could that justify (in 20 years) taking the subway just 1-2 stops further? I'd be the first to say it shouldn't be extended to #7 in the first place, but it is, and once its that close, its not a big stretch to extend it up the street.

Could Cedar Fair justify the expense of the first private sector paid subway extension into the park? I don't follow the details of what subway tunneling & such costs per km so I don't know how realistic that would be for Cedar Fair to pay for an extension from the Vaughan Corporate Centre station into the park. The subway could only run past VCC when the park is open, after it closes the line ends at VCC. Surely this would open up the park to throngs of tourists in the summer months, many of whom fly in and wouldn't rent a car to hit Canada's Wonderland not to mention hundreds of thousands in the GTA who'd then be more motivated to hit the park easily via subway. Kind of like how the Ontario Science Centre will finally be easily accessible once the Eglinton Crosstown is up and running, and how the Sheppard LRT would have carried us to the Metro Zoo before Bob & Doug got their dirty hands onto Transit City, but I digress.
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Looks like we're getting an aqua coloured coaster. Sites are saying we're getting a floorless giga coaster, possibly a launched one!

More equipment is arriving...








Snatched it from this website: http://www.cwmania.com/forums/viewt...d=e901e0d8c16cb77bbe2081e2b0960db6&start=1905
I haven't been to Wonderland in at least 12 years. Been making a yearly pilgrimage to Cedar Point for the last 10 years to get a coaster fix. But I will def be checking this one out if all the rumours are true. Great to see that Wonderland is upping it's thrill quotient after all those terrible years under Paramount's ownership. And did anyone else see the main page of the CW website? The writing has this bizarre biblical/gothic font that makes it look like they're playing into the 2012 apocalypse, all the dark storm clouds and such. We're lucky Paramount doesn't own the place anymore; then the ride would be a recreation of driving through LA in some family sedan with John Cusack as LA 'collapses'. Although if he ends up playing his character from High Fidelity and tells me the top 5 reasons we're going to live, I might be sold on it...
Looks like we're getting an aqua coloured coaster. Sites are saying we're getting a floorless giga coaster, possibly a launched one!

It's interesting. I was checking out some of the coaster enthusiast forums... they have a lot of educated guesses (like you posted) but they seem to still be arguing about the type of coaster it will be. They seem surprised that Wonderland has been able to keep it under wraps for so long.
It is very surprising. For Behemoth, me and one other person went through the flash files and found out what the coaster was before it was announced.
Have any of you been to La Ronde in Montreal? I'm going to the city in a couple of weeks and was wondering if it's worth checking it out. How does it compare to Wonderland?
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Of more interest is that Wonderland sits only 2.5km north of the new terminus of the Spadina Subway. (wonderland is Jane, just north of Rutherford, subway will end roughly at Jane & 7 I believe.)

Couldn't they just connect the two with a super-rad rollercoaster? Be a lot cheaper than building a subway.
Behemoth when built in 2008 cost $26 million. I don't know if it would really be cheaper... I know you weren't being serious anyway, but just thought I'd chime in with that.
