Although I like this building, I think the views from the units facing south (excluding the penthouse units) may have a, well, less-than-desirable view, as you face the Gardner, a large flashing billboard and what seems to be a cluttered storage yard adjacent to one of the older apartment buildings. I would imagine having a view of the Village itself would be more appealing (i.e. a north view).

Yeah as bad as the south views are, and that could all change in the next 10 years, i would rather have that south view of the lake, and sun shining all day...afterall these are 18foot lofts with large windows and sunlight is essential
If all goes well.... the south views will be the most appealing. Talks about the new liberty street will romove the parking lot and billboards.

As well if we get a casino at CNE.... more development will happen.
That link is interesting, Neillexx. I heard about this road, but hadn't seen any plans. Anymore updates (anyone?)?

I was lucky enough to walk through this building the other day and it is really shaping up well. I was also able to take a look at a sub-penthouse facing north, and truthfully, its better than I thought it would be.
The units in this building at prices fairly well. you can easily get a steal on some of them.

Many unit were ment to be lived in.... however bc of the delays in this project homeowners relocated elsewhere and are trying to flip there units.

Im also for a casino being built across the street at CNE. High end resturants, High end stores, nightlife, mall, convention centers.... Employment. Liberty village would be the closest
area for people working at the casino to live/rent.

"That would require, the partners say, new transit plans, including an expanded GO station and a bridge or tunnel connecting to nearby Liberty Village."
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That link is interesting, Neillexx. I heard about this road, but hadn't seen any plans. Anymore updates (anyone?)?

I was lucky enough to walk through this building the other day and it is really shaping up well. I was also able to take a look at a sub-penthouse facing north, and truthfully, its better than I thought it would be.

check this out.... some serious changes going to happen in LV BIA AGM Jan 21_v2.pdf
Why are like half the pictures in that pdf coffee stains? I gave up not even halfway through because I kept getting annoyed with the stupid squiggly pictures.
Thanks for posting that pdf, neillexx. Unfortunately, I too had some difficulty interpreting those drawings, however, I was pleased to see the proposal for that roadway, as well as a park in the same vicinity. It would provide a more polished look to the area, that's for sure.
Seen those pictures of units 5 meters away from the police centre, It looks horrendous. People really expect to pay up to $500,000 to look at cinder blocks? Am waiting out on penthouses and see how those turn out.
its might even get worse. In the LV master plan they expect new condo to replace the police station. So anyone facing east will be facing another building. This will take some time but it just might happen.

Once they build the new road and park the best views in LML will be south west only. Even the penthouses facing East will be blocked by the new buildings.

And if the city approves the new casino expect an enhanced GO station right at your door step of LML with easy access to the casino, mall, the ex.
If you look at the Liberty Village plan, there is a hell of a lot of new condos planned for that district. I can't even imagine how bad traffic will get if this places doesn't get the downtown relief subway soon. It will be complete madness. It's already way too crowded now.
its might even get worse. In the LV master plan they expect new condo to replace the police station. So anyone facing east will be facing another building. This will take some time but it just might happen.

Once they build the new road and park the best views in LML will be south west only. Even the penthouses facing East will be blocked by the new buildings.

And if the city approves the new casino expect an enhanced GO station right at your door step of LML with easy access to the casino, mall, the ex.

That would be brutal but I would rather have a condo then a police station door steps away from me. I'm looking into these penthouses priced really well per sq ft. It's east facing so I'd need to see what the view is like.



It's a great infill building. I like the contextualist industrial windows and minimalist exterior framing.
