^^Removing the car drop-off for the GO/Air-Rail link has to be one of the stupider things. We actually want people to use the Air-Rail link, right? People going to the airport often have luggage and might want a lift. Will they be dropped off on Bloor, or is there another drop-off planned?

I wouldn't object to the proposed height, but as I noted much earlier I think a drop-down to 20 storeys might be best, so that the drop from Crossways is noticeable. But if they only allow 11 storeys it won't do much to minimize the big brown curtain effect the Crossways has on the neighbourhood.

I'll have to make sure to get to the next community consultation.
good observation Grimace I too believe 11 floors is too small with the crossways so close making a very awkward look . The real issue hear is the driveway shared or not with the crossways it will be a lose lose situation with the city. One idea would be to talk to the owners of Freshco and bring up the lane on that side then down the east along rail side since that part is vacant in the design for now plus they would have there own traffic light.
I like the removal of the kiss and ride as its a waste of space.

Having a density of 4.6 is too small for this area, since this area is supposed to be a transit hub.

Even dropping the current 3 floors is wrong and should be higher.
Kiss and Ride alone would create traffic disaster at that intersection. The more logical amenity for connecting to the GO station is either a enclosed walkway that would go above Dundas West and connect to the TTC station. Or a new TTC entrance on the east side of Dundas West. Dundas West & Bloor is going to be a major transit hub with 5 modes of transportation (GO, Air rail link, subway,streetcars , Cars, and bikes) converging. It should accommodate all modes of transportations and this site is the opportunity to make that happen as we all know the wonderful folks at the Crossway will never come to the party.
Re: the Kiss and Ride. To be a "waste of space", it would have to be unused. To "create traffic disaster", it would have to be heavily used. I actually think it would be somewhere in the middle. It isn't for the GO, as that would be unused, but for the Rail Link. This way people within a reasonable distance can have a taxi or someone drop them off at the Air Rail Link, whereas doing so on Bloor or Dundas would be awkward. But that's what people will do if there's no kiss and ride, which would be worse for traffic.

The more logical amenity for connecting to the GO station is either a enclosed walkway that would go above Dundas West and connect to the TTC station. Or a new TTC entrance on the east side of Dundas West. Dundas West & Bloor is going to be a major transit hub with 5 modes of transportation (GO, Air rail link, subway,streetcars , Cars, and bikes) converging. It should accommodate all modes of transportations and this site is the opportunity to make that happen as we all know the wonderful folks at the Crossway will never come to the party.

My understanding is that part of building the Air-Rail Link is an eastern connection from the subway to the Air-Rail station. Is that just proposed? I though it was part of Phase 1 to be completed by 2015 (Pan-Am). If they can expropriate homes to change TTC station exits then the province must be able to compel Crossways to allow the connection. Up to now there just hasn't been the incentive because the TTC had concluded there was no value in a direct connection to the GO train here. But the Air-Rail link changes that.
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March 11:
The area is almost strip now from my last visit.

Excavation and shoring machines are on site.

It amazes me how this happens with certain projects like this one - they have zero buzz, no commercials on talk radio, no ads in the Condo Guide, nobody talks about them on here in ages, there's no sign of a sales centre anywhere, in fact they don't seem to be on anyone's radar at all, so one would safely assume that the project is dead, wasn't approved, failed to sell, or was sold - and yet they quietly begin construction...
Maybe this will be a rental project then? Based on the shot above, my own take is that a finished project looking good on this site would more likely attract renters than a sales centre in that rather forlorn parking lot would drive sales.

Excavation and shoring machines are on site.

It amazes me how this happens with certain projects like this one - they have zero buzz, no commercials on talk radio, no ads in the Condo Guide, nobody talks about them on here in ages, there's no sign of a sales centre anywhere, in fact they don't seem to be on anyone's radar at all, so one would safely assume that the project is dead, wasn't approved, failed to sell, or was sold - and yet they quietly begin construction...

That equipment is for the new Bloor Station being built by Dufferin Construction. They are using this area as storage and construction staging area.

Don't expect to see anything for this site until 2015. GO is still working with everyone to get a kiss & ride built into this project.
Ahhh… makes sense!

Just got this email from Gord Perks:

The OMB decision on 2376 Dundas Street West, attached, was issued on March 19, 2014.


In summary, the Board has allowed for an 8 storey mid-rise building along Dundas Street West with a 23 storey component at the rear of the site.

The Board concluded that the size and location of the site in proximity to the transit facilities justified the height and density of residential units sought by the applicant.

The Board accepted the appellant's position that it would not be a precedent "because the subject property is unlike any other site in the area due to its size, its location well removed and buffered from any other neighbourhood (unlike the Giraffe site), its direct connectivity to the Metrolinx and TTC stations, its designation as a Mobility Hub".

The Board did impose those Section 37 matters that had been offered by the appellant and which are set out in Appendix 1 to the form of zoning by-law attached to the Board's order, which all relate to the TTC/Metrolinx connection and drop-off.

Community members were very engaged in the process to find an acceptable proposal at this site and I am sure will be disappointed with this decision.

I particularly want to thank those community members who worked to engage neighbours and came to the OMB to share their vision for reasonable development. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to our community.


Gord Perks
City Councillor
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Good for the OMB.

Well all along Gord has been against it, if i'm not mistaken this is the 1st new hi-rise building to be built in his riding since he has been a councillor:eek:
