thanks for all the pics Casaguy - you on holidays or something this week? (getting early morning pics all around town)
As always.. Great pics, Casa!
You certainly have a good eye for an interesting shot.

Do you see those skinny stone bits they are finishing between floors with on the west tower? I'm sure there must be some hidden bracketing system being used, but they look like they are glued on. Yikes!

I've made up my mind. I LOVE the glass!..especially against the red brick loft side.
Thanks, I enjoy watching all of the progress on interesting projects... (and I don't work 9-5 thank god).
taken today:


Thanks, I enjoy watching all of the progress on interesting projects... (and I don't work 9-5 thank god).

I dont work period... but I am on the wrong side of the lake.

UD, yes the SONY Centre entrance does look particularly bad in that pic.
Perhaps, but I think one major thing that makes this feel "un-urban" is the lack of tall buildings around it. If there was a 10 story building adjacent to the sony centre instead of that (2 or 3?) story concrete building, it would feel like the sony centre is cradle'd and sitting in an urban environment. Becuase this building is so interestingly shaped, being in the middle of mid/highrises will give it a true "landmark" feeling to it

Luckily for us, the L tower and London will help this a LOT.

To help the look of the entrance, all that is needed is some landscaping for christ's sake. Look at that sidewalk...
love that last shot in the mirror! cool how Telus will form a view terminus for The Esplanade and London looks like it will do the same for Front street looking east...
Is there anything projected for the site that sits beside Novotel? That blank wall has got to go. Would help the streetwall there.
Is there anything projected for the site that sits beside Novotel? That blank wall has got to go. Would help the streetwall there.

Absolutely agree!
It looks the a front tooth gap in the middle of a pretty girl's smile.
I don't think there are any plans for it, unfortunately.
I hope I'm wrong though.
Is there anything projected for the site that sits beside Novotel? That blank wall has got to go. Would help the streetwall there.

The City is supposed to be fixing the sidewalks around that parking lot - SW corner of Church and The Esplanade - this summer - something the St Lawrence Neighbourhood Association has been pressing for for a long time. I assume this will reduce the size of the parking lot since the existing sidewalks at that corner are far narrower than others on The Esplanade. Unfortunately I too have heard of no plans to build on this site - it's actually quite small - though probably bigger than the Trump site.

The SLNA are also trying to get the Toronto Parking Authority to do "something" with the VERY ugly front of their parking garage at the foot of Church Street but have not, I think, made much progress on that yet.
