How soon is move-in?

Are the early April move-in dates still standing? I was surprised to see the East Lobby looked finished last week but I suppose with only a month to go...
The first image in that last batch shows what great massing this project has.

I hope they plant some decently sized trees out front though!!! :)
Are the early April move-in dates still standing? I was surprised to see the East Lobby looked finished last week but I suppose with only a month to go...

Yes I believe they are still standing. I have mine on April 4th and have not heard otherwise. Yeah the east lobby is looking pretty good so far. I hope they do something with the other main lobby though! Not feelin those Corinthian columns!

Looking at this tower, I almost wish they would have passed on the balconies. The building would have had very attractive, clean lines without them.

I agree, but perhaps sunken in balconies like those on floors 2-4 on the west side as a substitute.
I actually have suggested my clients to design buildings without balconies. But the builders always want them, because balconies are packaged as "free" amenities for buyers. They claim buyers want them all the time. But I think the story is like, everyone is having them, that's why we need them too.

I agree, but perhaps sunken in balconies like those on floors 2-4 on the west side as a substitute.
I actually have suggested my clients to design buildings without balconies. But the builders always want them, because balconies are packaged as "free" amenities for buyers. They claim buyers want them all the time. But I think the story is like, everyone is having them, that's why we need them too.

Balconies can help create design to break it away from the box shape like the Absolute towers in Mississauga
I'm quite interested in this building, does anyone have an idea what kind of prices I'd be looking at for a 1 bed or 1 bed + den including parking? I tried contacting the number on the website but didn't get through to anyone.

I noticed a lot of the pre/in construction condos are still asking quite a bit considering how the the market is. I contacted a representative of the Six50 King west condo and they were listing me off the same condos and prices from a price list that I received months ago from them. I guess they don't plan to budge.
Fencejack, everything is negotiable. Even in the height of the condo frenzy in 2007 you could negotiate prices, upgrades, etc. Just because you get the same price quoted, doesn't mean that's what they'll take. Make them an offer - in this market, they'll more than likely be willing to move.
Walked by the entrance of 38 The Espanade (East tower)last evening. Finally got a really good look at the lit up lobby.
The revoving door? Nice touch. The interior beyond. Something is very very wrong here. I can only hope something really big and amazing is yet to be done to this small interior space to give it a little panache. Right now it looks like the designers have decided to go with an 'early Ontario Housing' theme. It looks bleak! Instead of creating an inviting warm glow to the interior, the numerous pot lights in the ceiling only add to the stark cold municipal look.
These people have not screwed up yet as this project has unfolded. My fingers are crossed that I'm judging too early.
Walked by the entrance of 38 The Espanade (East tower)last evening. Finally got a really good look at the lit up lobby.
The revoving door? Nice touch. The interior beyond. Something is very very wrong here. I can only hope something really big and amazing is yet to be done to this small interior space to give it a little panache. Right now it looks like the designers have decided to go with an 'early Ontario Housing' theme. It looks bleak! Instead of creating an inviting warm glow to the interior, the numerous pot lights in the ceiling only add to the stark cold municipal look.
These people have not screwed up yet as this project has unfolded. My fingers are crossed that I'm judging too early.

I think revolving doors would be costly to maintain? I saw a broken one somewhere. Metro hall? Also it's dangerous for kids I think. They could get caught up in it. I know even as an adult, I get a bit tense and try to be careful when using them. Gotta time it so I don't get squished or miss the slot and get out fast enough so I don't get caught inside.
This is one condo I would have loved to live in. The location is prime. The building itself is nice. Balconies with a view of the lake! <3
I really like this place.

Alas, my stupid youth head screwed up my credit a few years back. No chance of mortgage for me. Three more years of rentals.
