
Are they planning to paint and finish off this steel canopy along this building? I can't believe it will be left like that. You can see the huge rusty bolts and it just looks unfinished. (and painted in blotches) I assume it will be covered with glass and painted black. (or covered with some kind of metal or siding)
They're probably waiting for warmer weather to paint, otherwise it won't stick to the steel canopy.
The entire canopy will be painted once the weather warms, and finally the glass will be installed. The concrete bases and bolts will be covered by metal.
The entire canopy will be painted once the weather warms, and finally the glass will be installed. The concrete bases and bolts will be covered by metal.

That's good to hear. A friend of mine thought it was going to be left just like it is now but I was sure it wasn't finished because it looks really rough the way it is now. Those bolts need to be covered. It would look good painted black.
I'm assuming that the Keg on Church is moving to this new location
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The move of the Church Street Keg to London Lofts was announced WAAAAY up in this thread (or maybe in the St Lawrence one) months ago. Their present site is part of the 5-Corners (Berczy) building.
The move of the Church Street Keg to London Lofts was announced WAAAAY up in this thread (or maybe in the St Lawrence one) months ago. Their present site is part of the 5-Corners (Berczy) building.

I believe the Keg move is planned for sometime in February from what I heard from one of their waiters. From the progress that I have observed at the new location, he may be right.
Now the corner unit at Scott and Esplanade looks like it is also being prepared for a tenant. This one has me wondering. It does not appear to have that much in square feet to support a restaurant. It certainly would be considered a high profile corner. Starbucks perhaps? Does anyone know?
Granny: Let's hope its a starbkcs, even though I don't drink Coffee.

Who's moving in replace of the KEG on Church?
Granny: Let's hope its a starbkcs, even though I don't drink Coffee.

Who's moving in replace of the KEG on Church?

Something big is brewing (pun intended) over at Front and Church. Papilon next door moved out some time ago and I believe all the offices above on the corner are now vacant. That just leaves the book store and possibly a couple shops beside it. I'm guessing if and when they go it will happen quickly. Expect a major development proposal to show up at City Hall one of these days.
Frankly, I'm surprised this one has been as quiet as it has been so far.
I hope I'm right on my speculation. That 70's makeover of the North East Front/Church corner is criminal and really mars the continuity of that area. Hell, even a faux Victorian facade to blend in a little with the rest of Front Street would be a vast improvement.
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Thanks...There goes my east view...I didn't have much to look at anyways lol.

Anyone know if there's anything new developing at the Spahgetti Factory, Scotland Yard, Bier Market ?
No problem. Last post was actually a few weeks ago, I just linked the first page of the thread.

Holy crap, you are right. LOL!
My bad. (Did I say that right?)
I can't believe how this one slipped under my radar.
Thanks again.
