:rolleyes: Unbelievable
oh ok cool. I was gonna check my contract to see how many more extensions they had! What floor did you buy on?

What floor are you on sweetie?:eek:
Gosh Ash!
Wouldnt it be just so peachy keen neat if we ended up being next door neighbours?!:)
oh ok cool. I was gonna check my contract to see how many more extensions they had! What floor did you buy on?


The date won't be on the contract. They send you a letter. If you did not get a letter call them and find out if you have a move in date and then get them to fax it to you.
Please God,
I know what you are probably thinking, and I probably deserve it, but please

Spare me on this one, and I will never make another pun again,.I promise..ever..
Me not think I like Granny too much! Not nice. w.ll.am, I'm on the 10th as well. Ha. We also have the same move in date. That's cool as long as I'm not next to GRANNY.

Welcome to the forum, Ash. Please accept my apologies, but Newbies tend to to get 'roasted' a tad here. You have to admit. You kinda left yourself wide open there. I myself had a few rotations on the old rotiserie when I first joined. If you think I'm nasty, just try making a few spelling mistakes in one of your posts. A few members here, take their grammer very seriously. They will be all over you like a flock of starving buzzards on a baby bunny.

With all the Christmas baking and all, I have let my postings drop off considerably. Your posting was just the tonic I needed to get the old caustic juices flowing again.

As for my posting on the Kentucky Blue Glass shortage, I did think it was rather transparent, and again, I'm sorry if I caused you any pane.

(ohhh, ..I'm going straight to hell for that last one):D
Welcome to the forum, Ash. Please accept my apologies, but Newbies tend to to get 'roasted' a tad here. You have to admit. You kinda left yourself wide open there. I myself had a few rotations on the old rotiserie when I first joined. If you think I'm nasty, just try making a few spelling mistakes in one of your posts. A few members here, take their grammer very seriously. They will be all over you like a flock of starving buzzards on a baby bunny.

With all the Christmas baking and all, I have let my postings drop off considerably. Your posting was just the tonic I needed to get the old caustic juices flowing again.

As for my posting on the Kentucky Blue Glass shortage, I did think it was rather transparent, and again, I'm sorry if I caused you any pane.

(ohhh, ..I'm going straight to hell for that last one):D

Hmmm....come to think of it you ARE quite funny. Ugh... apology accepted! I also must confess to not having paid really close attention to your original post the first time I read it. Had I paid closer attention I would like to think I would have had the sense to recognize the Kentucky Glass bit as a hoax! I skimmed through it and kind of overreacted! Well at least it was entertaining, wouldn't want people to get board! (<----- oooh, there I go with the spelling mistakes...bring on the roasting! I can handle it.)
A few members here, take their grammer very seriously.

I took Grammer seriously until I saw him do this:


Only a couple of 'fly bys' from the 'usuals' going for that juicy bait.

Things are slowing down around here.:eek:
Casaguy, I saw a guy taking photos today in this area too... maybe it was you (around 2:45)....


Casaguy, I saw a guy taking photos today in this area too... maybe it was you (around 2:45)....

According to the timestamp on his photos, they were taken at 4:30 AM today, however we know that the time is wrong on his camera, because the sun is out :p
