The more I see of this proposal, the less I like of it.

I'm normally a Cormier person.

But this design reeks of kitsch.

I absolutely detest the heart-shape (and the name).

I dislike the so-called cakes too, they are profoundly tacky.

The on-leash dog area is worthless and will manage to annoy dog-owners and dog-avoiders alike.

The arches do nothing for me and the rest I find ho-hum.

I really do hope the execution here exceeds my wildest expectations an/or this goes through a rather extensive re-design.

It wasn't in my top 3 choices........and but for Cormier's name, it might have been lowest.
I'm no budgeting expert, but I don't see how this can cost only $7MM, and the cynic in me sees the tender call issued, and all proposal go over budget, forcing value engineering and delays.
I was somewhat involved in his Berczy Park plans and Cormier has a very good feel for how his designs will match the $$ available. (And if value engineering is necessary seems able to do it without totally screwing up his design.)
The more I see of this proposal, the less I like of it.

I'm normally a Cormier person.

But this design reeks of kitsch.

I absolutely detest the heart-shape (and the name).

I dislike the so-called cakes too, they are profoundly tacky.

The on-leash dog area is worthless and will manage to annoy dog-owners and dog-avoiders alike.

The arches do nothing for me and the rest I find ho-hum.

I really do hope the execution here exceeds my wildest expectations an/or this goes through a rather extensive re-design.

It wasn't in my top 3 choices........and but for Cormier's name, it might have been lowest.

“Love Park” is the project’s competition name, not the name of the park. The city and/or WaterfronToronto will determine that. Right now, it’s officially known as “York Park”.

As for kitsch, think of how a fountain with a bunch of dog statues surrounding a big bone sounded on paper. Yet, in real life, Berczy Park and its dog fountain has become one of, if not the most, beloved new spaces in the city.

I have a dog and I have no problem with the on-leash dog area at Berczy Park. It’s just a small spot for dogs to relieve themselves, not necessarily for them to play. There’s plenty of other spaces for that.
Today January 4th

Forum Question: Would it make more sense for parks to be put under the infrastructure forum as opposed to the buildings forum?

I like the idea that we treat our public spaces as actual infrastructure rather than just a 'built structure'.
From PFR Budget Notes page 56

Project Status • The York Street off ramp was demolished in 2017 by Transportation Services Division. The area beneath the ramp will be remediated and taken over by Parks, Forestry and Recreation through a jurisdictional transfer, for the development of a park. Parks Forestry and Recreation and Waterfront Toronto (WT) are partnering on the design and construction of this new Central Waterfront Park: York Street Park. • In January 2019 a Letter Agreement was executed to continue to provide funds to WT to complete the contract award. The winning team for “Love Park”: Claude Cormier and Associates will be under contract to WT to provide all required services once all funding is secured and Delivery Agreements between Parks, Forestry and Recreation and WT have been finalized and executed. Parks, Forestry and Recreation will be a collaborator, approving body and client throughout. • York Street Park went to Design Review Panel in December 2018. Design validation will begin in January 2019 and detailed design will follow execution of the Delivery Agreement. 2019 Plan • Immediate next steps include finalization of the Delivery Agreement, Contract Award (by Waterfront Toronto), design validation and initiation of detailed design. • Detailed Design is anticipated to be complete by December 2019 with a Spring 2020 Tender. Construction is anticipated to start in Early Summer 2020 and is expected to be substantially complete by Summer 2021. Key Project Challenges • Privately-owned property at south-west corner must be acquired to fully realize the park plans.
Construction budget not inclusive of required site remediation. Additional funds for remediation are to be submitted through the 2020 Capital Budget Submission.
