Sadly dog's piss+shite seems to be the #1 and #2 reasons for a park these days. Will the dog park have dog run as well?
Sadly dog's piss+shite seems to be the #1 and #2 reasons for a park these days. Will the dog park have dog run as well?
Yes, in the northeast corner.


there are literally countless concrete pillars across the street, serving as a "reminder" of the blight of the gardiner on this part of town. We don't need more pillars thank you very much. What we need is more greenery, better landscaping, more colour and spaces to congregate and play. Let this be our priority.
a little bit uncomfortable with the idea of having a large pond here, when it's bounded by 3 major streets AND essentially has a 400 series highway next to it too. I can see it becoming filthy with pollution.

I liked the idea of keeping the pillars. They would serve as a symbol of reclamation... that it's never too late to become more environmentally friendly. The spiral pattern of their layout would also make future generations curious as to what their purpose was for.... which could be explained on a plaque of some sort, detailing the transformation and again driving home the message that we CAN improve our city and make it more green.

A heart shaped pond? The shape probably won't even be noticeable to most passerby at ground level. Only people in surrounding towers would realize it's a heart.
Also, does this heart shaped pond plan involve chopping down all of the beautiful mature trees? Will be very disappointed if they do.
Judging by the where the pond and brick paver paths are shown in the rendering, it looks to me like most of the 13 or so mature trees can be spared, save perhaps for 3. Even if all the trees have to go, which I sincerely doubt will happen - Claude Cormier retained most if not all of the existing mature trees in Berczy Park - the design calls for many new trees to be planted, far outnumbering what's there today.
If you want a faux museum for pillars of yore... go to Lake shore East and eat your heart out. This is downtown Toronto with hundreds of pillars minutes away and a constant reminder of a still in commission highway.
Tear down the damn things, it is not needed.
Judging by the where the pond and brick paver paths are shown in the rendering, it looks to me like most of the 13 or so mature trees can be spared, save perhaps for 3. Even if all the trees have to go, which I sincerely doubt will happen - Claude Cormier retained most if not all of the existing mature trees in Berczy Park - the design calls for many new trees to be planted, far outnumbering what's there today.

From the competition slidedeck



