I will always recall how Waterfront Toronto has to create its own regulatory system for this project as the government literally had *no idea* how to ensure a new river was actually designed correctly. IIRC they had to bring in a bunch of experts from the Netherlands to explain how to correctly regulate and monitor a project like this.
I will always recall how Waterfront Toronto has to create its own regulatory system for this project as the government literally had *no idea* how to ensure a new river was actually designed correctly. IIRC they had to bring in a bunch of experts from the Netherlands to explain how to correctly regulate and monitor a project like this.

My understanding is that the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management was asked to provide a second set of eyes for the plans to ensure the project will perform as expected.

I understand the lake levels are a bit higher than they were this time last year, I wonder if that’s going to effects matters.
