more buildings and increases in property values which bring in more taxes
Technically, that's not how it works. Increases of property values relative to the rest of the city will just mean that such properties will pay a larger share of the revenue collected. Property taxes are kinda funny that way.
It's a great start, but it's such a tiny development of what needs to be redeveloped down there. I don't see the rest of it being finished in my lifetime so I'll enjoy this little part.

Screenshot 2023-05-28 at 9.07.44 AM.png
What is your point?

...if one was to look at all this as tax dollars hard at work, I think it entirely misses the point here. Because this more about restoring the past mistakes we have made, as well as well as bringing about sustainable land that we the public can take part in and enjoy. Bean counting is not necessary here, as the pics above aptly demonstrate, IMO.
...if you didn't get that, then I am not sure why you bothered to answer it. /shrug
May 27
More up on my site

I knew the new bridge was being lengthen, but not the doubling of it. The last time I shot it, they hadn't built the west pier and that has turn out as one a number more support pier and then the west pier further to the west. All the support piers have bearing beam supports in place and waiting for the beams to be place on them.

The excavator operator was having issues keep the boom in place well he dug up the river bottom.

Excavation is under way removing the earth between the channel and Villiers Rd to get that area ready for the new Mouth of The Don extension until Villiers is close this year to connect to the existing in place of the New Mouth of The Don.

Not sure what is taking place to the west on the southside as I didn't have time to take a look at it. Traffic was too heavy to walk to the new end of the bridge to have a look at both things.





I've always felt somewhat jealous of Chicago's central, huge and formal park by the lake. But I daresay Toronto has stepped up to that level, when the waterfront is looked at entire. The series of boardwalks, promenades and moderate parks being formed at the city's edge (anchored by Harbourfront Centre), Sunnyside, The Toronto Islands, Tommy Thompson Park/Leslie Spit, and now The Portlands through Cherry Beach. It's a full green necklace around the harbour. I'm slow to praise Toronto, but in this case, I think we're doing extremely well with these projects altogether.
I've always felt somewhat jealous of Chicago's central, huge and formal park by the lake. But I daresay Toronto has stepped up to that level, when the waterfront is looked at entire. The series of boardwalks, promenades and moderate parks being formed at the city's edge (anchored by Harbourfront Centre), Sunnyside, The Toronto Islands, Tommy Thompson Park/Leslie Spit, and now The Portlands through Cherry Beach. It's a full green necklace around the harbour. I'm slow to praise Toronto, but in this case, I think we're doing extremely well with these projects altogether.
We're getting there but I still wish we had a big park space in the central waterfront area along with all the other greenery going up. This area is certainly shaping up extremely well though.
I've always felt somewhat jealous of Chicago's central, huge and formal park by the lake. But I daresay Toronto has stepped up to that level, when the waterfront is looked at entire. The series of boardwalks, promenades and moderate parks being formed at the city's edge (anchored by Harbourfront Centre), Sunnyside, The Toronto Islands, Tommy Thompson Park/Leslie Spit, and now The Portlands through Cherry Beach. It's a full green necklace around the harbour. I'm slow to praise Toronto, but in this case, I think we're doing extremely well with these projects altogether.

We are rather weak in the cultural/entertainment aspects still - but I think the quality of our urban design and general public realm is far superior.

