We both need to get out more (or less?) :->Great update. What does it say about me that when I see photos like this it brings me a tiny bit of joy?! Lol
We both need to get out more (or less?) :->Great update. What does it say about me that when I see photos like this it brings me a tiny bit of joy?! Lol
It brings me joy too!Great update. What does it say about me that when I see photos like this it brings me a tiny bit of joy?! Lol
I am sure pics will be posted and doubtful if they will open it all up this weekend, more likely all at once.Anymore updates from today? Will it be open this weekend?
Unless there is an major pour for Cherry St North right now, no way will it open this weekend. It may miss my Dec 20th date for the road, but not for the cycles path. As of today, the cycles path is full pave, but needs some better patch work where the new meet the existing. Still needs pavers for the curb. Looks like they are not putting in curbs on the east side of the path.Anymore updates from today? Will it be open this weekend?
You really do seem to be somewhat obsessively hung up on paving, relax! The folks at WT clearly share your (and many others) wish to have the new roads paved and opened.All this crazy mild weather in December. Nature is saying "PLEASE PAVE ME!"
From the plans for the park there is park on both sides of the bridge so I think answer is YES.Great photo! Are they going to be building a walkway underneath the bridge adjacent to the water?