adma already said it better, but there is some irony in that you ask why people can't simply "disagree without resorting to personal insults," then call a fellow member a "prick," and make unfounded and vituperative remarks about his family before concluding that he is an "eternal jackass.

Right you are. He clearly crossed the line from being insulting (which is on the cusp to begin with), to making it personal.
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Doug Ford is really starting to remind me of the corporate weasel in RoboCop, Dick Jones. In fact, the whole secondary plot from that film--building a "new Detroit" in disused industrial lands--is remarkably prescient of our current predicament. Trouble is, that was a movie, and we're stuck in reality.


Without a RoboCop to take care of corporate scum, it may take--as with Lastman et all--a scandal to flush them out.
Isn't the first CNE suffering from a decrease in attendance? How about we fix the first CNE before we build a second one.
Because there's no room in the CNE for an NFL stadium. And yes, Ford's claim that an NFL stadium is not part of this new plan is a total crock of sh;t.

Prepare to follow the money.

This whole situation has become disgusting. I am watching to see what City Council's response(s) will be ... will they just sell out or will they do their jobs?
Selling out is my prediction. This could get really ugly.
Guys, guys, guys. TWRC has taken too long. I think Ford Nation believes their time is up. It's all just pork barreling and useless job creation. We need some private money in there fast. Ford's proposal is pretty ingenious.

Let's all be respectful and consider all the plans on the table.
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Bless my double chin! Blind faith in a leader complex! Waterfront Toronto may take a bit longer, but what we get is Sugar Beach and Sherbourne Commons, not some gauche synth fantasy land for tourists.

Anyone been to GayLord National resort outside DC? It's a fake city (few actual residents), and about that jobs thing, most had bad shoes under their uniforms, a sure sign they weren't making much.
I'm not opposed to some megalomania once and a while. But as others point out I am suspicious of the motivation (quick cash grab) and find the ideas as funny as anything a writer on the Simpsons could possibily come up with.

By the way RobFordFan. I would like to thank Ford nation for reminding us how humans are periodically capable of suspending all critical thinking and putting blind trust in others. It reminds us that the horrors of the past were real and that good honest hardworking people were there at the genesis. Of course, I guess pointing that out makes me a pinko commie. Well, a right-of-centre downtown pinko commie who has real business experience and was not already a career politician at age 29.
Because there's no room in the CNE for an NFL stadium. And yes, Ford's claim that an NFL stadium is not part of this new plan is a total crock of sh;t.

Prepare to follow the money.

Selling out is my prediction. This could get really ugly.
That's what I was thinking. I think the NFL stadium will come later. In december
Would this be considered following the money?

"An influential Vaughan developer, who donated generously to Mayor Rob Ford’s pre- and post-election fundraising drives, controls a long-term lease on the Port Lands’ Hearn Generating Station, which has been proposed as a site for an NFL stadium by the mayor’s brother Doug, wrote The Globe and Mail April 29.

Developer Mario Cortellucci, together with various relatives and individuals who listed his company’s premises on their donor forms, contributed $30,000 to the mayor’s campaign, about half of which was raised following the election as part of a multi-candidate effort to eliminate campaign deficits. He also secured a private meeting with Rob Ford, according to scheduling documents released under access to information laws.

The figures, based on election contribution filings, were compiled by York University political scientist Robert MacDermid [Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies].

“The important point here is that when a councillor or mayor runs a deficit and wins, every person seeking influence crowds into the subsequent fundraising events,” [said MacDermid].

While Cortellucci’s development companies in the past have pledged hundreds of thousands of dollars in contributions to right-of-centre municipal and provincial candidates, MacDermid’s analysis shows the 2010 race was his first serious foray into Toronto politics. In 2006, Cortellucci and another relative gave just $2,500 to Jane Pitfield’s mayoral campaign. In 2010, he donated $4,000 and $2,000 to George Smitherman and Joe Pantalone respectively."
Would this be considered following the money?

"An influential Vaughan developer, who donated generously to Mayor Rob Ford’s pre- and post-election fundraising drives, controls a long-term lease on the Port Lands’ Hearn Generating Station, which has been proposed as a site for an NFL stadium by the mayor’s brother Doug, wrote The Globe and Mail April 29.

Developer Mario Cortellucci, together with various relatives and individuals who listed his company’s premises on their donor forms, contributed $30,000 to the mayor’s campaign, about half of which was raised following the election as part of a multi-candidate effort to eliminate campaign deficits. He also secured a private meeting with Rob Ford, according to scheduling documents released under access to information laws.

The figures, based on election contribution filings, were compiled by York University political scientist Robert MacDermid [Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies].

“The important point here is that when a councillor or mayor runs a deficit and wins, every person seeking influence crowds into the subsequent fundraising events,” [said MacDermid].

While Cortellucci’s development companies in the past have pledged hundreds of thousands of dollars in contributions to right-of-centre municipal and provincial candidates, MacDermid’s analysis shows the 2010 race was his first serious foray into Toronto politics. In 2006, Cortellucci and another relative gave just $2,500 to Jane Pitfield’s mayoral campaign. In 2010, he donated $4,000 and $2,000 to George Smitherman and Joe Pantalone respectively."


So there ARE people who want to build an NFL stadium here!

More to follow.
Guys, guys, guys. TWRC has taken too long. I think Ford Nation believes their time is up. It's all just pork barreling and useless job creation. We need some private money in there fast. Ford's proposal is pretty ingenious.

Let's all be respectful and consider all the plans on the table.

I gotta say, I'm impressed. Here is a troll who's willing to put some elbow grease into his art. Best of luck.
In 2006, Cortellucci and another relative gave just $2,500 to Jane Pitfield’s mayoral campaign. In 2010, he donated $4,000 and $2,000 to George Smitherman and Joe Pantalone respectively."
Seems like he's spreading his money around to open doors with whoever might be the winner. It doesn't mean that favors were agreed to in exchange for the donations, it just means that he wants his voice heard and his requests will be given serious consideration. ALL politicians of all strips and affiliations accept donations and they are obligated to deal with those constituents once elected. As long as there are no side deals, this is entirely above board.


So there ARE people who want to build an NFL stadium here!

More to follow.
There always have been - let's not act surprised. The link itself says it's Doug who had the Hearn location in mind for a stadium, but according to the interviews, this 'new plan' has other uses intended for Hearn. If there is a stadium to be added after the fact, it will probably be north of the shipping channel in the grounds that are not part of the immediate proposal.
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RobFordFan - maybe you should look for a new name that doesn't link to an external website.
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Seems like he's spreading his money around to open doors with whoever might be the winner. It doesn't mean that favors were agreed to in exchange for the donations, it just means that he wants his voice heard and his requests will be given serious consideration. ALL politicians of all strips and affiliations accept donations and they are obligated to deal with those constituents once elected. As long as there are no side deals, this is entirely above board.

I totally disagree with this, regardless of the political affiliation. It smacks of corruption and bribery if some rich guy is able to buy the ear of a politician. It doesn't matter whether or not an agreement was made or even discussed. You make a political donation to someone because you agree with their politics and platform, not because you expect to have their ear post election. Anything else is corruption, regardless of how accepted the practice is.
I totally disagree with this, regardless of the political affiliation. It smacks of corruption and bribery if some rich guy is able to buy the ear of a politician. It doesn't matter whether or not an agreement was made or even discussed. You make a political donation to someone because you agree with their politics and platform, not because you expect to have their ear post election. Anything else is corruption, regardless of how accepted the practice is.
I don't disagree in principle, but the standard you are putting out there means that every single councilor, MPP or MP is corrupt.
