Since the NFL is in the thread title I thought I would post this.

Los Angeles. The Metro is Los Angeles-Long Beach-Riverside, one of the largest in the world. The home of Hollywood, This would offer the Vikings or Chargers best change to make even more money then they have now. Endorsements will also be greater for many players. A Superbowl Here will also be fantastic for the NFL. HF Boards user Live the Now resides here.

Minneapolis: The home of the Vikings for many, many years, Minneapolis-Saint Paul- Bloomington has 10 F500, a rarity for the Midwest outside Chicago. While this area has had issues selling out, this has been the home of the loyal fan base which stretches from Iowa to Idaho. A hole would be left if the packed up and left, I am told. iReptheWingedWheel is a vikings fan despite living in South Philadephia, United States.

San Diego: This surfer city of 1.3 million and metro of almost 5.3 million has housed the Chargers for just under 50 years. They have been through the ups and downs with the Franchise, although attendance does not always reflected so. The likes of Dan Fouts have passed through town and have not won a Super Bowl. This Franchise has left much to be desired in the Playoffs. While the blow would be much less, the Chargers leaving would leave a dent on San Diego's national and international reputation.

Toronto: This cosmopolitan city of 2.9 million with a greater population of 6.5 million has pined for an NFL team for the longest, but has done a rather mediocre job with attendance for Bills games, although they do draw over 50,000. With the 5th largest corporate base in North America and 4th largest TV market on the continent, Toronto can provide the NFL to international exposure for cheap and create immediate rivalries with such places as Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Dallas and New York City. HF boards user Melrose Much lives here.

London, United Kingdom: Formely the world's largest city prior to the rise of the City of Greater New York. The London-Reading- High Wycombe urban area has just under 15 million people. The games in London have been a roaring success by NFL standards, with each game sold out. Rumors of a team have been more persistent with each year. Problems including flying logistics and game times. TheStig resides here

San Antonio: The home of HFBoards used thespeckedkiwi, San Antonio is a fast growing city of 2.1 million people and has lots of disposable income as Texas is currently the fastest growing economy in North America(?) This would be the easiest and fastest option for expansion by far. Question of Loyalty to out of the name Franchises and school teams like Texas State, Texas A and M, Texas Tech, the Oakland Raiders, Dallas Cowboys and San Francisco 49ers has the NFL wondering of another Jacksonville situation with the large stadium
I'm loving this. Since he got elected, there has been a gradual, consistent (and predictable) erosion of support for Ford and his idiotic ideas. More and more formerly loyal councillors are turning on him, Lindsay-Luby being the latest. I honestly can't see him doing anything in the next 3 years to regain anyone's confidence, not city councillors or the public. If anything, it's only going to get worse - I can picture any further grand visions or cuts brought forward by him or his stupid brother getting defeated again and again by an uncooperative council. I wouldn't be completely surprised if he just resigns outright in a fit of frustration before his term is even over.
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I'm loving this. Since he got elected, there has been a gradual, consistent (and predictable) erosion of support for Ford and his idiotic ideas. More and more formerly loyal councillors are turning on him, Lindsay-Luby being the latest. I honestly can't see him doing anything in the next 3 years to regain anyone's confidence, not city councillors or the public. If anything, it's only going to get worse - I can picture any further grand visions or cuts brought forward by him or his stupid brother getting defeated again and again by an uncooperative council. I wouldn't be completely surprised if he just resigns outright in a fit of frustration before his term is even over.

Oh just wait, they're going to start bunkering in as their public support and support around council continues to evaporate. And then without moderate voices counseling them to tone down their ideas, they'll probably start launching into some truly stupid pipe dreams.
I'm loving this. Since he got elected, there has been a gradual, consistent (and predictable) erosion of support for Ford and his idiotic ideas. More and more formerly loyal councillors are turning on him, Lindsay-Luby being the latest. I honestly can't see him doing anything in the next 3 years to regain anyone's confidence, not city councillors or the public. If anything, it's only going to get worse - I can picture any further grand visions or cuts brought forward by him or his stupid brother getting defeated again and again by an uncooperative council. I wouldn't be completely surprised if he just resigns outright in a fit of frustration before his term is even over.

And judging from the Maclean's reports on Doug Ford's intentions, that might not be out of the picture.
I'm loving this. Since he got elected, there has been a gradual, consistent (and predictable) erosion of support for Ford and his idiotic ideas. More and more formerly loyal councillors are turning on him, Lindsay-Luby being the latest. I honestly can't see him doing anything in the next 3 years to regain anyone's confidence, not city councillors or the public. If anything, it's only going to get worse - I can picture any further grand visions or cuts brought forward by him or his stupid brother getting defeated again and again by an uncooperative council. I wouldn't be completely surprised if he just resigns outright in a fit of frustration before his term is even over.

Yup, I'd say things are unfolding exactly on schedule. The real fun will begin if McGuinty is re-elected. As Steve Munro put it, expect the premier to 'put the boots to' some of Ford's wackier ideas if that happens.
Yup, I'd say things are unfolding exactly on schedule. The real fun will begin if McGuinty is re-elected. As Steve Munro put it, expect the premier to 'put the boots to' some of Ford's wackier ideas if that happens.

McGuinty might step down once he's elected.... either retire completely or simply be a backbencher.

Chris Bentley was rumoured to run for the leadership... Smitherman and Bryant are rumoured to come back also...
Ford has been pretty quiet in this election after having told McGuinty that he'd "unleash Ford Nation" on him. Yep. Somebody just punched their boss in the face. If McGuinty is re-elected, Ford is going to have a very rough 3 years.
McGuinty might step down once he's elected.... either retire completely or simply be a backbencher.

Chris Bentley was rumoured to run for the leadership... Smitherman and Bryant are rumoured to come back also...
If Smitherman were to become premier, that would be all sorts of ironic justice for Ford.
McGuinty might step down once he's elected.... either retire completely or simply be a backbencher.

Chris Bentley was rumoured to run for the leadership... Smitherman and Bryant are rumoured to come back also...

That can't happen if it's a minority. The NDP would have no problem triggering an election if that were the case. The Premier resigns, so it's an easy case to make that there must be an election. If it were a Liberal majority (unlikely), I can see McGuinty stepping down after year 2 to let his successor gain some exposure as Premier well ahead of the next election.

That said, I really liked Peter Fonseca, but then he went off to Federal politics and was wiped out in the Liberal Extermination of 2011. Bad move on his side. He could have been vying for the Premier's job in just a couple of years.

Another scenario is that McGuinty can actually be electable to a forth term if he performs well on this one. It seems unlikely now but it usually takes a decade to accomplish a grand vision. The first term is generally used up fixing the mistakes of the previous government. The second term sets up the big moves and sees the Premier generally making tough and unpopular decisions to fund them. The third term accomplishes these goals. By the end of a 3rd McGuinty term, he'll have a lot to show in the way of accomplishments in health, energy, education and transportation. He'll be cutting a lot of ribbons on hospitals and transit by the time that next election comes. People won't be demanding change, unless there's a big scandal.
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