I think this is my favourite of the 5 - I can see the seating being very popular, almost hearkening back to the WaveDecks!

As much as I like the Nda-Nwendaaganag (EXP), I can see the spectre of value engineering and poor quality parks maintenance coming over the horizon and I don't like that!
So, before sharing my favourite(s).......

Here's what I looked at;

a) From a distance, how does it look, day and night

b) What's the experience of walking on the bridge like?

c) Does the bridge add environmental value?

d) How does the bridge interface w/the shoreline.

Finally, I did give some consideration to how designs many hold up over time; including landscape; but I didn't over emphasize this as one can't reasonably discount a design based on neglect that hasn't yet happened, without throwing pragmatism out the door, one must have a certain measure of optimism about a space being properly cared for....


Evaluating the above, I like EXP's design as my favourite overall.

I think it comes off as warm, a good program of illumination, best use of landscaping/beauty/nature-integration at the level of the bridge, and a program that should help animate the bridge in winter as well.


I also like the Entuitive effort from an ecological perspective, but I find the bridge itself a bit humdrum.

I think the Salmon Run effort would look absolutely great at night, but much pedestrian in sunny, daytime conditions.

The Wilkinson design is also striking, but its efforts on nature/shoreline come up a bit short for me; I also find it a bit 'cool' as in lacking in warm tones.


Overall, a great selection of designs, none would be bad, some just seem a bit better than others.


Final thought, I see some have expressed concerns about landscape maintenance w/the EXP offering.

Overall, I don't think there needs to be that much concern, many of the plants selected are highly durable and aggressive and should do fine w/relatively little attention if properly established.

I would like to see some discussion on whether any irrigation is contemplated.

There are a few plants selected that are.........questionable. Canada Yew is a shade-loving shrub and I'm not sure why its on offer here.

I like the Birch, but do worry a bit about their urban tolerance; they're not keen on salt or air pollution, but if the planting conditions are right they may well do fine.
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Evaluating the above, I like EXP's design as my favourite overall.

I think it comes off as warm, a good program of illumination, best use of landscaping/beauty/nature-integration at the level of the bridge, and a program that should help animate the bridge in winter as well.
I like the assessment, my only concern with this design is the steeper grade. Maybe the renderings are just a bit deceiving but the EXP submission looks like it has the highest clearance over the channel, which I don’t think serves any meaningful purpose in this design.

Hopefully it’s not too much of an angle as it would tend to be less accessible, specially in the winter.
Now… despite the cross walk clearly being marked as not functional, did people ignore and use as such anyhow? Of course.
Now… despite the cross walk clearly being marked as not functional, did people ignore and use as such anyhow? Of course. View attachment 510021View attachment 510022
Yes, my partner and I did indeed use the crosswalk. It is marked, there was good visibility, there are functioning traffic lights (for vehicles) and cars were not moving and the alternative crossing is actually two crossings a fair distance away at the current Cherry Street. Not sure why the pedestrian part of the crossing and the pedestrian lights are 'closed'.
Was down there early this morning and got to see the Cherry Street Strauss Trunnion Bascule Bridge lift all the way up. Very impressive. Fun fact, bridge was designed by the same dude that designed the Golden Gate Bridge!!
More info on this and the ongoing rehabilitation is at: https://www.portstoronto.com/portst...ronto-ship-channel-bridge-–-rehabilitati.aspx
and https://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2021/mm/bgrd/backgroundfile-169129.pdf The City completed work on the supporting structure/road on the west side of the bridge in 2022 and are well into finishing the east side now. (The southern half is almost done..) Next year PortsToronto will start fixing and repainting the metalwork and upgrading the machinery.
Good to hear. I don't feel like I can ever picture that bridge without some construction on or around it in the last 20 years. :D

WT is holding a public poll on the Keating bridge designs:

The initial questions ask how well each proposal meets the brief/goals laid out.

The subsequent page has a question where you rank the proposals.

Finally a comment section.

A panel will actually determine the winner, but the public's preference will be given to the panel to consider.

WT is holding a public poll on the Keating bridge designs:

The initial questions ask how well each proposal meets the brief/goals laid out.

The subsequent page has a question where you rank the proposals.

Finally a comment section.

A panel will actually determine the winner, but the public's preference will be given to the panel to consider.
It is a pity that WT does not refer to the proposals by their 'names' in the Survey as it is likely to confuse people as to which is which. Of course, the public input is not the deciding factor ....

WT is holding a public poll on the Keating bridge designs:

The initial questions ask how well each proposal meets the brief/goals laid out.

The subsequent page has a question where you rank the proposals.

Finally a comment section.

A panel will actually determine the winner, but the public's preference will be given to the panel to consider.

Voted, and enjoyed it. I love the Zeidler one, though I worry it doesn’t have enough natural elements as you go across the bridge. I really also like the EXP one, for its unique form, both with ramp and steps, if I’m seeing that correctly. In the end I chose Zeidler, simply because I feel the need for some fantastic visually eye catching ‘form’ and ‘shape’. Toronto lacks that, once in a while it would be nice to see something really different and unique. This is a great place to go big and bold.
